I especially like the $11,000 they spent on Faraday pouches to use at fundraisers to ensure that attendees cannot record him.

But the millions spent on 2 Superbowl ads to feed his ego... hilarious. That shit pays off well for the boat-owning rubes. Better than banging a pornstar.

as long as you or your wife has boobs you are good to recording; urineluck.

Classic dance floor overbite and you just know those little hands are feeling up the blonde.

that's that 'man thing'..they want to bite it so bad and all they get is their lip and a green shorts is claiming her prince:


the hair flip is so, so retro..isn't that Marla in the pink shirt?
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I dont think any of our "norms" have significantly changed in the last 4 years. Other than the fact that Democrats have decided America is the worst place on earth to have to live.
As a liberal, I can attest to the fact that you are full of shit. YOUR America is a pretty intolerable place, but the rest of it is pretty awesome.
It does not matter. This is our future. It won't end with him. He has shredded every norm we have and we let him get away with it. More will follow, most likely his mongoloid son.

this is the paradox..Don Jr has ingratiated himself as the cover man for the rallies and they like him..he hunts and hates..but Princess is daddy's favorite who is convinced she will be the first American Female there you have it.
according to Cohens new book that everyone has but's a 3-step comb over process and the surgery scar are hideous so after he takes a shower his hair on one side is longer than a balding Allman Brother and way down past his shoulders.
And it was after getting those and feeling like a weird creepy loser he raped his wife at the time.