
good to see you are back, safe and sound.

I bet you and your buddy are ready for some R&R.

Thanks Fogdog

Yeah I was working basically 2 jobs, I would drive during the week and then Saturdays and Sundays I would work at our shop.

The owners son got in a car accident and was out of commission, so I took on his responsibilities. Saturday I washed trucks and trailers and did light maintenance on the trucks if needed, shit like oil changes, broken lights and air up tires. Sunday I would go right back to the shop and load all the trailers for our OTR guys so they could take right off and not be waiting to get rolling again

It's nice to see you're still laying the smackdowns on the right wing trolls.

I have today, tomorrow and Monday off and going back to my regular just driving 70 hour work week Tuesday, man is is going to be nice to have weekends back again

I have to mow my yard later this afternoon/tonight and I'm going to have some beers, hopefully there will be some Trumpers here tonight to berate when I'm done with the yard and buzzed
A lot of tRUmptards will vote twice, glad to see that at least Michigan will prosecute them.

trump the original chaos king..michiganer orders absentee and it's reflected on the rolls; michiganer submits absentee then show to vote again in person; poll worker tells they can't vote they already got an absentee..michiganer: 'was it counted'? poll worker: not yet. michiganer: then i want to vote now poll worker: you can't.

fun shall ensue.
"Vote early and frequently" Richard Daily democratic mayor of Chicago
Like human corruption is a political issue. Trump is a crook and isn't really any party outside of Trump current cult who comprise the entirety pf the Republican party for at least the next 4 months or so.
yeah that's the cool thing tell your friends..cowboys and indians.
Lol, funny thing growing up next door to the rez.....had tons of indian friends, and ironically, we actually played cowboys and indians as kids. Man life was so much simpler back then .
^^Translation: "We didn't have a problem with Negros until they started protesting."
Wow, that escalated quickly.

No matter what I say, interject etc, as long as I don't agree with you 100% I'll be the evil one.

Done wasting my time

Have a great night
Wow, that escalated quickly.

No matter what I say, interject etc, as long as I don't agree with you 100% I'll be the evil one.

Done wasting my time

Have a great night
And so, the cockroach scuttles away from the light.

Your MAGA is and always was a white person's myth.

"long as I don't agree with you 100% I'll be the evil one"

Republicans are all about grievance politics. Fake ass bullshit whining snowflakes.
And so, the cockroach scuttles away from the light.

Your MAGA is and always was a white person's myth.

"long as I don't agree with you 100% I'll be the evil one"

Republicans are all about grievance politics. Fake ass bullshit whining snowflakes.
Nope, just the way it is. Like it or don't, don't really care what you think .