Vsog stadium grow for $1oo

Willy Nilly

Active Member
I'd flip'em. One of the problems you want to avoid ( According to Northern Farmer) is plants being too tall and actually interfering with plants on upper shelves.
I'd also like to point out that (as you know) plants grow at different rates, so you'll be able to move plants around, putting taller plants on the ground. And remember to rotate your plants so that they get even lighting every 3 days or at least once a week.


Well-Known Member
The flip has flipped!

These ladies are takin a 36hr siesta.

To BM or not to BM that is the question.

Lest night they got there first blast of co2.

This chemdawg grows like a beast,very fast depite what i read.

Will post pics tonight,cheersHbr


Active Member
nice i say buildalip on the shelve and tilt them inwards and get a 500gph pump will do it 1/2 tubing and 1/4 to each plant or somthing build a tray or plastic under the bags and incline one end of the system 1 inch so it will drain youll have to build a system to catch it at the end a bit of work but shouldnt be more than 40-50 bucxksfor the pump another 10 on tubing and a device to catch it and 6 bucks worth of think plastic

Willy Nilly

Active Member
yeah I went and saw them in your journal. thanks a lot.
Be sure to keep us updated with the things you run into... I'll be sure to share my info with all of you when I get there. I'm three weeks out on my flat grow right now... but i'll be building my set up soon for the stadium.


Well-Known Member
damn this has come a long way...and yeah i heard about kimbo gettign his ass knocked out. i was jsut talking about that with m room mate. that is so funny.
good work with the setup man it is coming along so very nicely! your gonna ahve one hell of a harvest!!!


Well-Known Member
Got my mini stadium tent up in grow design section,og baby!
Bush master side is the fav right now,will keep you posted Hbr


Well-Known Member
lookin nice,had to put up some string to hold em up....got some little white slug lookin things on some leafs,u know what these are-they are causing flecking like mites but def no mites in site.hmmmm


Active Member
looks like you have done a lot of pruning and leaf removal, got any tips on that for growing in your kind of setup?


Well-Known Member
Ya i think i over pruned a bit....maybe ony prune 1/3 off the bottom-veg no longer than 1 week {if you want to do my setup}-and make sure to turn them 1/4 turns evry week-
I am concerned with plant numbers and might do 3 shelfs with bigger plants in larger containers-we will see after this round though...


Well-Known Member
yeah more plant numbers looks bad if you go down too. I wouldnt want to be the guy that goes down with 100 plants. imagine your in court saying come on judge 5 plants, let me go on probation. or your in court saying come on 50 plants only give me a year please