Vwr vacuum oven 1014

nice setup man.. did u make that shit or buy everything.. premade.. were abouts u from? im on the East Coast.. looking to purchase a closed system..

vwr vac ovens are expensive but soo worth it if u can afford it.

need to get on your technique a lil man.. with that setup.. u should be pulling some great stuff
like.. u should be pulling stuff better looking than THIS FOR SURE... because.. this is without a vacuum Purge.. i dont have a vac and chamber anymore.. i left it at my boys so he could do his final purge.. an he got robbed and they took everything. his bud. his trim.. all his oils.. his butane . closed system.. and my vac n chamber.. he gave me my money back.. so i need to reorder it.. but now that i know the 1 gallon short was too small for what i wana be able to do.. i will get a 3 or 5 gallon system.. and a better pump so it works faster..

but i suggest doing some butane runs. and or finding a better way to do butane or co2.. watever your working with.. as a solvent.. wether u need a shorter soak.. or more pressure.. or better material.. with a system like that u should be hitting up some decent stuff.. i mean.. this stuff i have in the picture.. was only heat purged with a hot water bath.. the oil was at 120-130 max.. for 90 hours.. and then i used a friends one day to do a vac purge on it. and it barely took anything out of it .. so it was pretty clean. we smoked it within a few days of that so i had nothin left to take a picture of wat it looked like with a vac purge....

wish u the best man.

another thing.. grab yourself a few pyrex dishes.. and a hundred pack of razors.. and some thick gloves.. as to not contaminate ur product.. jesus christ.. the list of shit ur doing wrong.. is retarded.. u obviosly just one those dudes who thinks because he bought the right equipment.. that your shit is the best lol.. i can make that same shit with isoalc and water bath lol.. so u spent a bunch of money to produce a product that i spent 20 bucks to make. its just nuts.. man.. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.. kuz ur wax dont hold up to anyones shit period.. some of the worst product coming from a decent and expensive SYSTEM.


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Stainless doesn't flake, sounds like the shit you got is fake. I am still waiting for anybody to PM me and watch my black stuff simply rock your world. I had got my stuff in the hands of some people up in Oregon, who are most probably have me do a nug extraction. Where yield, taste, and high are of most concern. Putting goldylocks on the back burner for Matokah. It's so typical for people to be taken by total surprise the kind of damage one dab does.
That was a yield after butane had a run w it first. This was what it couldn't pull from the extraction after it said I'm done.
It's so typical for people to be taken by total surprise the kind of damage one dab does.
I've never scraped stainless steel for oil, i just want to know where is the metal that once filled all those scratches? If it doesn't flake how does it scratch? There are allot of ways to make killer concentrates but they tend to kill.

stainless steel doesn't have pits either eh, pyrex dishes are like 3 dollars at any second hand shop.