W t f help

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
i took 3 clones from my girl and iy's been 2 weeks the stem went from green to purple still no roots wtf \the shit i used is green light rooting hormone .. they still look ok so took them out and put them in water for a few hours and going to try agin any advise


Well-Known Member
what are you cloning them in??? i had some in a bubbler too cold no roots for two weeks then they started to yellow so i put the two best ones in dirt and the made it! but if its in dirt how can you tell its not growing roots???


Well-Known Member
yup heat is usually the #1 answer when clones fail!! they call me the "cold clone killer" well nobody calls me that but they could , and they wouldnt be lyeing...as soon as my almost dead ones got warm they took off ...roots come first top stays the same then the new growth starts on top..if you have been pulling them out to check them you might have been ripping off the tiny roots! re slice the bottoms on the clean angle re-dip and stick in moist not wet soil...they can come back if not totally dead!

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
i only pulled them out one time just now. Like i said they still look good so i will redip and try agin it might have been the temp any way wish me luck

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
i think you guys were right they are starting to perk up thanks 4 the advice. Im still kinda mad the 3 white widows were all guys the free seed's that came with the WW turned female so kinda curious to see how they turn out