WA Marijuana fact sheet


Well-Known Member
Which brings in the criminals

If you make it legal to possess and grow but illegal to sell
Their is no profit

And the DEA is not going to waste their time in a state where it is legal to possess and grow on people growing a few plants
At 10-15+ per gram, there is plenty of space still left for the black market to undercut the legal market. If everyone could grow, enough would that
he market would balance itself naturally, leaving a more realistic profit margin, thus eliminating the potential for very large quick profits. Only those who made a career out of it could produce a worthwhile income at that point and not be making millions off a couple acres.


Well-Known Member
And if its legal to grow but illegal to sell, who's gonna be growing the surplus that the masses are going to to want to consume, especially if the state is dicking people at 10+ a gram?

Most won't grow, just like most don't brew their own. But alcohol is cheap. 10+ a gram is rape, especially is a semi legal market.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
10 to 15 a gram! Are you kidding me. I better get one f of a buzz for that with one toke.

How does CO compare to WA?


Well-Known Member
top shelf sells for more then 10 a gram in my area. It's odd what you see younger people buy. And what they will spend. top shelf oz's 300+ in my wa area. the rest goes 200-240.


Well-Known Member
At 10-15+ per gram, there is plenty of space still left for the black market to undercut the legal market. If everyone could grow, enough would that
he market would balance itself naturally, leaving a more realistic profit margin, thus eliminating the potential for very large quick profits. Only those who made a career out of it could produce a worthwhile income at that point and not be making millions off a couple acres.
i'm overjoyed to see that it will cost so much up there. no possible way to put me out of business then.

hell, with prices like that, my business might increase.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Which brings in the criminals

If you make it legal to possess and grow but illegal to sell
Their is no profit

And the DEA is not going to waste their time in a state where it is legal to possess and grow on people growing a few plants
Psssst, Cheesus, it is illegal to sell right now. There is a lot of profit in it.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
and a lot of risk
And your hypothetical, "make it illegal to sell" increases the risk how, exactly?

Cannabis needs to be legal to grow, sell, and use, like virtually everything else in the free world. Most people would prefer to buy their pot, just like they buy their coffee, tomatoes and basil. The taxes levied on cannabis need to be modest so as not to create an incentive for a black market. Poorly conceived legalization that does not damage the cartel is going to cause a whole lot of, "See, legalization is the wrong approach. Let's embark on another hundred years of prohibition."

The only kind of market that is normal is a free market. Any legalization regime that leaves black market pot cheaper than legal pot is not going to produce good results. If the estimate of the price of pot at $10/gram (30g/oz X 16oz/pound X $10/g = $4800 per pound) is accurate, then the cartels will be doing cartwheels of joy.

What is a rational price for pot?


Well-Known Member
And your hypothetical, "make it illegal to sell" increases the risk how, exactly?

Cannabis needs to be legal to grow, sell, and use, like virtually everything else in the free world. Most people would prefer to buy their pot, just like they buy their coffee, tomatoes and basil. The taxes levied on cannabis need to be modest so as not to create an incentive for a black market. Poorly conceived legalization that does not damage the cartel is going to cause a whole lot of, "See, legalization is the wrong approach. Let's embark on another hundred years of prohibition."

The only kind of market that is normal is a free market. Any legalization regime that leaves black market pot cheaper than legal pot is not going to produce good results. If the estimate of the price of pot at $10/gram (30g/oz X 16oz/pound X $10/g = $4800 per pound) is accurate, then the cartels will be doing cartwheels of joy.

What is a rational price for pot?
Free market already says
-mexico can produce it cheaper
-monsanto can modify it to be cheaper and more potent
-phillip morris has the resources to make it cheaper than you ever could in your wildest dreams

Now I thought the idea was to defund the drug cartels?


Well-Known Member
And your hypothetical, "make it illegal to sell" increases the risk how, exactly?

Cannabis needs to be legal to grow, sell, and use, like virtually everything else in the free world. Most people would prefer to buy their pot, just like they buy their coffee, tomatoes and basil. The taxes levied on cannabis need to be modest so as not to create an incentive for a black market. Poorly conceived legalization that does not damage the cartel is going to cause a whole lot of, "See, legalization is the wrong approach. Let's embark on another hundred years of prohibition."

The only kind of market that is normal is a free market. Any legalization regime that leaves black market pot cheaper than legal pot is not going to produce good results. If the estimate of the price of pot at $10/gram (30g/oz X 16oz/pound X $10/g = $4800 per pound) is accurate, then the cartels will be doing cartwheels of joy.

What is a rational price for pot?
You understand no grower will come close to that. That is a lot of grams to sell. so I see most stuff goes 40 1/8 75-80 1/4 110 1/2 200-220 o 650-800 qp 600-2400 lb At least that's what I see around here. That's for good mid grade.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Free market already says
-mexico can produce it cheaper
-monsanto can modify it to be cheaper and more potent
-phillip morris has the resources to make it cheaper than you ever could in your wildest dreams

Now I thought the idea was to defund the drug cartels?
Try as I might, I have no idea what point you are trying to make here, cheesy one.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You understand no grower will come close to that. That is a lot of grams to sell. so I see most stuff goes 40 1/8 75-80 1/4 110 1/2 200-220 o 650-800 qp 600-2400 lb At least that's what I see around here. That's for good mid grade.
I guess I wasn't clear. I asked, "what is a rational price for pot?". The answer I expected was something like this: "Pot should be priced at a point where all involved are able to make a living at growing, processing, distributing and selling it."

In a free market, the most efficient production chain wins because it produces the most, and the best quality for the least cost. That is simple supply/demand economics. It is hard to put a precise dollar figure on it, but it is easy to put an approximate dollar figure on it.

Look at similar products, Tobacco for example. Tobacco is mostly grown by small family farmers in the US. They sell their Tobacco at auction in the early winter every year to the big Tobacco companies. The big Tobacco companies buy it at wholesale prices from the farmers and process it into cigarettes, cigars, snuff, etc.

In the summer of 1974 I was a field worker on my cousin's small Tobacco farm. I cut it and housed it in September, and "stripped" it in November. I think I was paid $2.00 per hour for my labor, I don't remember exactly, but it was a lot of work for little money. My cousin sold the Tobacco he raised to the big Tobacco companies for about $2.00 per pound and he was very pleased with that price. I doubt Tobacco sells for more than $4.00 per pound today at auction.

Using the price of Tobacco as a guide, I would expect marijuana to sell for about $5 to $20 per pound at the wholesale level, i.e. that is what a grower can expect to make when selling to a wholesaler. In a free market, I would expect each of the "handlers" in the supply chain to double the price. If this approximation is accurate, I would expect the retail buyer to pay $20 to $100 per pound for the finished product.

Now, let's get the gangsters involved:
1. the Washington state government apparently wants $10 per gram in taxes, that is their bite. This amounts to about $4,600 per pound in "sin taxes".
2. the cartel chain currently demands about half that amount (i.e. about $2,300) in risk premium under the current prohibition scheme. As usual, the "criminals" are more reasonable than the government.

My conclusions:
1. Any "legalization" scheme that makes the retail price attractive to the cartel will do very little to take down the cartels. This is why Unclebuck is so overjoyed at the Washington legalization initiative, it effectively raises the floor price on his treadmills. This is crony capitalism at its finest.
2. An "honest" price for high grade retail marijuana is probably about $100 per pound.
3. If you tack on an "honest" tax, that might raise the retail price to $200 per pound.


New Member
Excise tax equal to 25% of the selling price on each sale between licensed producer and licensed processor. Paid by the producer. Excise tax equal to 25% of the selling price on each sale of usable marijuana/marijuana infused product from a licensed processor to a licensed retailer. Paid by the processor. Excise tax equal to 25% of the selling price on each licensed retail sale of usable marijuana/marijuana infused product. Paid by the retailer. This tax is in addition to any/all applicable general, state, and local sales and use taxes, and is part of the total retail price. All funds from marijuana excise taxes are deposited in the Dedicated Marijuana Fund.
pftttttttttttttttttt ahahaahahqahahahahahahaahhaahhahahahahaa this program is doomed :\

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Up here in Wa you are looking at paying around $220 an oz if ya know somone. If not anywhere round $280. I tried to tell everyone that you can't slap a 75% tax on what is grown now and add a bunch of regulations to it and the price drop. But everyone told me I was just a MMJ person worried that my "profit" was falling!

LOL I should have encouraged all those fucking retards to vote yes! Price of oz's just went up! ;) I don't give a fuck I grow my own and will never buy from the state! But I sure as hell will go in for a good laugh to look at the prces!

Or the state will just make a bunch of new customers for the black market! The black market can just undersell the state and still make more than they are making now! Ha ha 502 is a joke!


Not necessarily... the state may allow licensed growers to also license as processors, which may well avoid the first 25% taxing. They're taking public comment on producer rules now.