waaaaaaayyyyy too dry

i was drying my buds out and i got them really dry. i mean really dry! they smell like they have already been smoked. i put moist stems in the jars with them. on a couple i threw in a q-tip that had been wet on one end.

any advice? anyone had this happen?


Well-Known Member
Been there done that. I always put my smoke in jars when the stems are still a little wet so the buds dont dry faster than i like. Just more maintenance with the burping but it works for me. If it is too dry try a little apple peel in the jar or bag overnight & put some moisture back in your stash. Good luck but the cure is the most important part of the whole grow do not be lazy about it. Peace!!!
man i try to stay on top of this shit. i go to work this morning and they are still wet. i mean noticably wet to the touch when your fingers come back all sticky. then i come at 5 and they are like the fucking sahara desert. i mean i have 15 full jars of them.
I just put a wad a wet paper towel into a jar a dry weed and they moistened up so nice and it brought back the nice aroma and flavor. I like to use water sometimes when you use fruit peels to moisten herb it leaves a little of the flavor on ur buds.