Waaaaaay to much streeeeetch------->


Active Member
judging by the pics, would it be smart to super crop a LST'd plant? Would it be to late to top???? Thanks all
i would just put the screen on it and use that energy for growth to fill the screen, but this is where growing comes in, expierment a little, top a branch and see what happens!!! looks like you got a good amount of bud sights going on both plants so you really dont have to supper crop or top... but u gotta get em under a screen asap if your plan is to scrog with a even canopy!!!!


Active Member
aight then lol. Good thing i didnt SC it earlier. Ill get some pics of the set up when i get my camera back. Scrog here i come!


Active Member
not even close right now, prob like 2-4 weeks depending on growth. i just started this new grow bout 5 days ago.. jilly bean and skunkberry from clone!! i have a grow journal on here for it..wont be too exciting till i flip the lights hahaha.. its actually the first one ive made a journal for


Active Member
hell ya. i hear you on the flipping the lights part. The only reason why i havent flowered yet is cuz i only have a 600 watt mh/hps conversion bulb on a hps ballast. So pissed i cant get like $40 to get a hps bulb! :shock: Im thinking by the time i get the bulb my 2 white russians i have in the box to might get overcrowded by my to bigger ones.
your strains indicas?


Active Member
dam that def sucks, but if u have the grow space a longer veg will only result in a larger yield! and the extra veg time will allow you to fill out a larger screen, this means more lovely bud sights :lol:.. i hear ya, iam a low budget grower and dont always have the cash for a new bulb, right now i have a change jar dedicated to a back up bulb for flowering haha.. do u know the sex of your plants yet?? if u get a male it may help with your over crowding, other then that i would say just put some crates under the white Russians to get em closer to the light so its canopy is even with the tops of the other plants.. if you think its crowded now, you prob should have flipped already cuz those plants are gonna GROW!! both my plants i have right now are indica dom hybrids, iam only workn with 5 feet and a few inches of vertical space so minus the room the lights, ducting, and pots take i dont have too much room between to let my plants get crazy.. thats why i top, LST and veg em shorter and put them in 4 gals, still experimenting with different ideas tho... you may have said this already but iam too lazy too look threw the thread haha, what is your nutrient set up??


Active Member
Thanks pro, im fealn' the change jar idea aha. Thats the plan now. more veg=more bud, so I guess it accidentally helped me than:-o. I still have around 4-5 ft. of vertical space left in my box and thats all thanks to me LSTng 1, and Supercropping the hell outta the other. The Grape Ape and White Russians are all fem. and the unknown is, well, unknown lol. Im guessing tis female though, pretty mature at this point. I will be doing my last transplant to a 5 gal tomorrow hopefully then getting the bulb after. I honestly just wanna trash the 2 white russians and stick with to solid plants cuz i already know the shits gonna get crowded as fuck when the grape starts taking off. Im just tryna think logical, not tryna waste more $$ on plants that aren't getting their full potential. ya know?

I have been dying to clone the Grape Ape since this strain is freaking unbelievable. Purps hell my muscle pains, so i wanted to keep this strain going with me as long as possible. Any Magiver type home clone set ups?

Anyways my nute line-up so far has just been FloraNova Grow, 1/4 dos. of FF Big Bloom, and some Soluble Humboldt County Root Inoculants. 1 Tbs of epsom in the watering once a week
has allowed my leaves on my grape ape to stop curling/twisting and feeling like sandpaper. Big difference. Also have Tiger Bloom but am waiting to flip lights. Any suggestions? You?


Active Member
o yea you got the space!! bro your gonna have a fucking sick harvest.. iam jealous over here haha.. yea if i kept the white russians i wouldnt really baby em like i do my other plants but let them get live their grow at the bottom of the grow room and take whatever it produces and make butter or some tasty wax.. i love the purps strains, i suffer from muscle pains/ spasms, migranes and IBS so pot is really the only thing that helps all of em and allows me to still be a productive member of society haha, i love the purps mixed with diesels/chem dawg strains.. but i do have some skunkberry i got from a dispensary that was the Denver cannabis cup's #1 hybrid that has been my absolute favorite lately.. ive been slowly smoking it and it has been knockn the pain right outta my body, aroma of blueberry muffins that got lovingly sprayed by pepe le pew ahahaha .. thats why i got the clone of her :)

as for the clone chamber, iam not a expert on clones cuz i havent taken any myself, ive always been bag seed or find decent clones at dispo's.. but i looked around and if i were to make one i would prob go with this:

the nutrients look great man, the only thing i would think to add later in flowering with the tiger bloom is a bloom additive, its what i need to get too ahaha.. personally ive been looking at this stuff: http://htgsupply.com/Product-GH-Kool-Bloom---2.2-Pound.asp
it comes in liquid and powder but the powder is a 2.2 lbs bag at 1/4th or 1/4rd the strength for soil, for 9 more bux then the quart of liquid, i think its a better deal... ive heard great results with this stuff used along side a base bloom nutrient.. the nutes i have are bio-bizz grow and bloom and diamond black humic acid every now and then, i add molasses for a carbohydrate in flowering and will give pure water with Epson salts every now and then threw flowering ... i def know i can beef up my plants with better nutes, but they are pricey, i dont wanna have a 30-50 buck bottle of shit i never use ha


Active Member
ya good idea to just leave the WR's and get a couple solid nugs from it. Totally can relate with the purps. I have a severely torn/worn out rotator cuff, needed surgery but am hesitant. So i milk the medical idea and am more mellow on my shoulder, basically no more skateboarding.

Thought about the cloning idea but i said the hell with it. To high for that, so i'll just go back to Sacramento and get more:weed:

My nute lineup has been pretty good so far. Nice green lush growth, especially the grape ape. Now each branch on the plant is at least 12 in +. I've counted at least 11 solid nugs when i start to flower her:shock: not including the smaller side branches still reaching around the others. Really happy i LSTd it!
You seem pretty on point with what your gonna do, I just wanted a pretty standard set up and never heard of some of the things you listed. Def. gonna read up on them. As for the bloom boosters my friends helping me with some stuff he used with his harvest a week ago. I think Beasty Blooms and Cha Ching. Ever heard?


Active Member
your reason to quit skating is better then mine, i just sucked and got sick of having a perma swell-bow and fucked up hip ahaha... that sounds like a lovely plant!!! I have def heard of beasty blooms and cha ching but i cant rep any of em, being powder tho, def be careful, start at like 1/4th strength.. just cruz'n around htg's sight tonight i found these products:

they seem hella reasonably priced!!! could be good thing, could also be bad tho haha..
unfortunately i am the only one outta my friends with a real interest in growing so iam kinda on my own and am forced to learn by myself or lurking around on here ahaha..


Active Member
the only things that i really use on my plants that are powder are the Humboldt root inoculants. lol, over fertilizing has been a big lesson i have learned. So i always feed 1/4 now. That link is pretty sweet! couple things on there that i just might get.

Quiencidentally we both started the same time and are the only ones who grow outta our friends lol.


Active Member
haha right?? well now you got a friend in Colorado that grows:weed:

i was def looking at a bloom booster of some sorts, iam trying to wait till Halloween tho, the htg supply in Denver, which is my main shop, are having a all- day Halloween party with vendors pass'n out samples and i can rack up some extra member points for the day, iam hoping to get a few different things i can try.. gotta give my plant all she needs, to give me all i need.. and then some haha


Active Member
o check this bulb, forgot to put it in the last message.. kinda cheap, and sometimes they fry early, but they do work and r a good price for the cheaper grower like myself!!! if it frys just call htg and tell them it went out waaayy under then estimated bulb life on the box, they are hella down with customer service so 9 outta 10 times they will replace it.....


other then that, ive heard of people getting bulbs from the hardware shops and having great results, havent tried it myself but something to look at if your want'n to save some cash


Active Member
all day Halloween party! whaaaaaa
lucky s.o.b., i have to drive 1 1/2 just to get to the closest dispensary, makes me miss living in san jose, or just big cities in general.

bro with all the trials and errors we will have in the years to come, we GOT THIS!:hug:

Today I will be setting up the Scrog and am def. getting an hps bulb! yee yeeee

Question is...should I be transplanting my unknown to a 5 gal. or will it be ok in the 3 gal if i will be flipping lights in the next day or 2?


Active Member
ive been to san jose once haha.. went to the winchester house blasted off my ass on edibles ahaha.. next time i make it to cali iam def gonna spend a few weeks rock climbing out in Yosemite, thats been my dream for the past 3 years ahaha!!

yea Denver is very pot friendly :) lots of great glass shops, and lots of good hydroponics shops to be found...the closest store to me is like 5 min away but its one of the worst ones, so i drive the 30 min to htg, plus about 40 dispensaries between me and htg so its never a bad drive ahaha.. mile high city for sure

right!! i feel like i have sooo much information to just inhale still haha.. cant wait for all the years i get to put it to work!!!!

as for the transplant.. if you have the head room, def go for the bigger pot.. not an expert but the only downside i could imagine is your plants would be putting a little energy into the roots that would be put into bud production, but with good feedings i dont think they would be search'n the new pot like crazy for food... i would say do it now if u do it tho, the 2 weeks in flowering where the plants really grow should be nuff time for the plants to do their thing with the roots and switch back their focus on making sexy flowers haha


Active Member
ya i just recently went to san jose and loaded up on hella platinum girl scout cookies :D and got hella free pre rolls.

I lived in Monument for awhile than moved back to cali. Pretty chill in CO. I decided not to transplant and dont really care if it causes the unknown to get rootbound late in flower.

Other than that just attempting to clone my grape ape but havent had any success yet. I'm hopeless @ cloning lol.


Active Member
free pre rolls are always nice!! i always save em up for concerts haha.. a night at red rocks with 8 of those babies is a fun time!!! monument is a cool spot, played hockey down there back in high school haha.. iam south east of denver in aurora, so a ways away haha... all i can say is keep up with try'n to clone that girl!! she is def a beautiful plant!! r u using rooting gels and all that jazz?


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People search for the easy answers. I've noticed that this site isn't really good if you have something seriously wrong with your plant. Either they see something on the plant and jump to the conclusion that it's nutrient burn with the odd answer that is on the ball, like a specific deficiency or there will be no answers.

I don't even post stuff in the plant problem section cause i didn't get a single answer when my plant had pH lockout.
Lol so u just want ppl to grow ur shit via internet" go read a little more about ur business and dont complain.