Wacky soil method ...WTF?


Well-Known Member
Start out with prefertilized coco coir ... This stuff has like 40 things in it ...
It is also baked in the temperature for several hours to kill all bad bacteria which make was they call ,( A Hot Ferlilyzer ) .
This is an indoor seedling tray with a 7 inch humidity dome .
I plant a bunch of things , mostly Wildflowers , but also a little sunflower , Bee pollenator attrators , one cactus .
What always happens is that the seedlings pop up and then after a month most of them start to die .

Now I realized that the soil is too hot and does not contain all of the things soil needs to contain to work good ,

Then next step is to begin to condition the soil . ( Used misters to spray fert mixed with water down like a rain storm hitting the plants and down into the soil ) .
First I overdose it with Urea Nitrogen ,
Next I overdose it with Calcium - Amino Acid - Magnesium ,
Next I dump a shitload of Wildflower seeds on my 15 peat pots and habenero pepper , Peppermint seeds , Sunflower seeds ,
and some Bee Pollenator flower mix , leaving the first batch of Wildflowers that where mostly laying flat on the way to dying ( I don't pick them out and just leave them in ) ,

Next I overdose it with Calcium , wait
and then overdose it with Amino Acid

Next I sprinkle a few teaspoons of Garlic Powder (spinkled over 15 seperate small peat square pots 2 inch across the top and 2 inches tall square peat moss pots ; 2 teaspoons of garlic powder evenly divided over 15 peat moss squares ( 2 teaspoons total ; NOT 2 teaspoond on each peat pot ; two teaspoons of garlic powder spread altogether ( which would be 2 teaspoond / 15 pots , which would be about one eighth of a teaspoon of garlic powder on each peat pot ) ; my seedling tray is a standard 1020 which means 10 inches wide and 20 inches long ; my 1020 has 4 square by 8 squares top tray , my upper tray then holds 32 peat pots ; you can get other top trays that hole more or less number of peat moss squares ) , on top and water the soil lightly to medium in dose of water over the garlic power (has sulfieds which seems to work like sulfur ) I have used Garlic powder many times over the last year ,and the plants always like it ).

At this point my first batch of Flowers that looked like they were on the quick path to critical ward near death and all of a sudden they come back to health after I overfertilier so much that I figured all the sick plant root would get fried , but sure look healthy right now ) ;and looks like they are ready to check out of the hospital ( most of them lived ; some died )

At this point I realize if I want to grow weed using prefertilyzed coco coir , I have to precondition the prefertilized coco coir soil by planting a bunch of Wildflower seeds , and wait till they start to die , and then I overfertilyzer it with Nitrogen , Calcium , Amino Acid , Magnesium , and garlic powder ( has sulfur in it ) and at this point I throw a Handful of Wildflower seeds on and other things like habenero peppers , peppermint , Sunflower , bee attractors , things like that .

So I guess if I am commited to using prefertilized coco coir , the prefertilized is too hot to use unless I condition the soil with a first batch of planting using flowers or clover , things like that , And I have to at some point when the flowers start to die because the roots are not growing , at that point I had nothing to lose overfertilizing the soil to break down the hot soil ( hot soil means the fertilizer in the prefertilizered coco-coir does not slow release , but releases the ferts fast , and that will kill your flowers ) .

So it seems if your first batch of flowers and hot peppers and sunflowers start to die , then don't pick the dying flowers out of the indoor garden ; then overfertilize the soil with things the soil must have , which is calcium , amino acid , magnesium , sulfur ( garlic powder ) and at this point replant the soil with a ton of wildflower and a few other things like peppers or sunflowers of peppermint , ( another words inexpensive seeds ) .

At this point the first batch of dying flowers a other things start to die , and then after overfertizing the garden comes back to life . At this point the salt levels in my soil must be pretty high , but am not flushing because my first batch of dying flowers are springing nicely back to life , since I over ferted them to condition my preferted coco coir .

Next after a few weeks the second batch of seeds will sprout and if they grow good for a few months , the soil is ready for cannabid seeds . Since cannabis seeds are so expersive , just try a couple of seeds and see how they do .

If they do good for several months , then you know you have a system that works , but because I used prefertilized coco coir for a grow medium , I had to prep the soil . The method is inexpensive , but time consuming. The upside is that if this method works , you have a method that is inexpensive and succesful .

I will update with photo on this thread later and show results after the second batch of seeds are about 4 weeks old .
Haven't tested the PH or PPM of disolved solids purposely because I wanted to use crazy wacky experiment . I guess at some point everything might stop growing , and that means at some point need to flush the peat pots , but as a wacky experimenter , I would love it if flushing somehow by some miracle isn't needed . It's a long shot , but WTF ?

Have a rotating fan , and tried to keep the humidity low at 40% , thinking maybe that will make the roots grow , because i use to mist my plants everyday , and so the roots had no need to grow because the flowers were getting all the water they needed from the misted leaves aborbing water their leafs , but of course after watering the seedlings the humidity goes way up , and so had to take the dome off , or tilt the dome up on jacks .

P.S. Afterthought . Really the only way to prove my method works is to see if I am on the right track to conditioning growing mediums that are prefertilized . I have heard that Foxfarms are Hot , I got zero success mixing my prefertilized coco coil , with organic coco coir that is not prefertilized . I Finally came to a thought that some of these grow mediums that are prefertilized might have to be conditioned , I have even heard that plain organic coco coir needs to be conditioned , and I have also heard that rock wool have to be preconditiioned with PH down . But outdoor gargens if I remember this right , that new outdoor gardens has to be conditioned and that during the second season the outdoor garden is easier to use and easier on the plants .

One of the reasons I am trying to condition this prefertilized coco coir is there are plenty of ingredients , like rock powder and need to be broken down . The rest of the reasons is to burn of the hot fertilizers that are not slow release .

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Bro you either need to smoke more or less weed im not sure which one it is in your case
A hot soil mix does not mean its been heated up. It means the bacteria and funghi are breaking down the components (composting) and that creates heat. A hot soil means those ingredients havent had time to break down making the soil 'hot' figuratively.
Garlic powder ? Man you makin dinner or growing weed?
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It responds to garam masala much better. Just for future reference.
We are acting badly people. But I'm adding this before I quit.

Damn yuppies and fancy things. My girls prefer MD 20/20 or Wild Irish Rose like the ghetto thugs they strive to be.
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Nice ill try that one for sure
Do you foliar feed that or just sprinkle on the buds? What should.my ph be
Are you crazy? 10 percent of your medium should be this. It actually stabilizes and buffers ph enough so that you can water with sulfuric acid just fine.
I have also had great results with ak 47 and gunpowder.
Can you believe ground rhino horn is illegal though?
How the fuck do they expect us to grow white rhino?