Waffle's second attempt!!! BLUEBERRY. . . .yum!


Well-Known Member
i would top ASAP... my blueberry that i topped has so many tops i cant beleave it... check it out ..

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Okie dokie guys and gals.....i topped 2 and fimmed 2 of them.....here is the after math! :Thinking:
Oh and you can see the yellowing...

All four before topping/fimming

Heres Fimmed #1

Close up of Fimmed #1

Fimmed #2

Close up Fimmed #2

On to the topping
Topped #1

Close up Topped #1

Topped #2

Close up Topped #2

And here they all are after their trim :Big Grin:

:peace: ~~TLB

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
You have done a proper job on them blazin, I reckon you'll have some nice little bushes there.
Think you'll do them more than once? Can you? I don't have a clue. lol
Happy gowin' bro.


Well-Known Member
they are looking great... you can wait for them to grow another two nodes and then top again.... if you want... usually not necessary although i like to do that... Nice job by the way...

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
You have done a proper job on them blazin, I reckon you'll have some nice little bushes there.
Think you'll do them more than once? Can you? I don't have a clue. lol
Happy gowin' bro.
they are looking great... you can wait for them to grow another two nodes and then top again.... if you want... usually not necessary although i like to do that... Nice job by the way...

Wow, Thanks guys!! I was actually pretty worried about trying to top/fim!
But seems to have come out well, i think i may top one or two more times and thats it... I'ma try and keep them around 3 1/2 ft tall so after trimming it'll be lsting!

Hey B-mad, genfranco.....check out these Pics![/url] and tell me what you think!! If you look around you'll see the TLB everywhere!!!

:peace: ~~TLB

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
The link doesn't work.
I will check back in a while, I am going to add some new pics to mine for now.
Here's an Exclusive Preview before it's even in my journal or hit the press!!!!!!!!

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Ok so i was really happy with my photography tonight!!! :Applause:
I'm posting my other grow in the albums under Sweetness. But i wanted to share some PPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOORRRNNNNNN-OOOOHHH!!!! TLB style bitches...
So everybody get in and enjoy the ride..... waffles is taking the bus for a spin!!!
Here is the main cola, she's starting to fill in a little better......
Right below the main cola.....
And below that...
Pssssssst..... .. .. you can't get off yet! :Shame On You:
I'll get you nice and warm inside with some HPS shots

d :Thinking: I don't want that soft core shit anymore!
Did you forget the splash guard???
I hope not!

Hope you enjoyed the ride....come on back ya hear! :Hug:
:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
blazzin the tip curling is really concering to me! Have ya done the regular checks to see what that might be from? I have some thoughts but wonder if you have investigated..