Wait...am I the only crazy one?

i've seen plants with some branches that have grown over the light panel and continue to grow buds even if they weren't under the light no more. You could try to simply "move them out of the way" without bending them, so you can keep the light lower.
Anyway, I'm probably not the one who should give you advice, but your plants looks so incredibly healty that I'm totally sure you will not be disappointed of the result you will have. Even with this cheap light.
Remember that most of the folks here do not have law restrictions, space problems, stealth problems or all of the above and will advice you to do what you need to do to gain 120% from your plants and maximize your yeld with super specific soil, pot, fertilizer, light and whatever else. But sometime, people like me, only need to grow one plant two or three times a year to yield just enough for a casual use.
That is way I have threads for cheap light setup, for growing a plant in a small pot to keep it as tiny as possible, for having the best result possible with carbon filter to minimize risks.

In my case I will be happy even if I will yield 15 grams of dried buds. I can go a very looooong way with 15 grams.
During flowering I will have 25 watt of led over my plant. 25watt of led are equal to 150watt of incandescent light and if 1g/watt it's kind the maximum you can have and 0,5g/watt is the avarage, lets say we are under avarage and we have 0,25g/watt then we are still talking of 37-38 gram...and if we are really bad, half of it.
Of course I don't know what are you aiming at, but I will be super happy with a really bad 15-20 grams. :P
I swear...i did search...i did search a lot.

Am I the only one trying to grow under some god damn common, simple, affordable, easy to find, motherfucking amazon led stripes? :oops: :lol:
I went trough dozen of "LED and other light" thred pages and I've only found topics with 600W grow led, super DIY growing led, ultra specific models and brands of led bulbs and stripes, ultra dense led stripes, and all the combination in between...I did search on google but nothing, nothing about common led stripes, nothing.

I know that those stripes are not the best choice, of course, but i can't believe nobody tried it. Back in the days, when HPS light seemed the only real choice(for really involved folks out there) i did my one shot experience with crappy 18w neon tubes...probably 3$ dollar each...i bought 4 cool white and 4 warm white, i did not eve checked their kelvin and use them in a cardboard box in my bedroom with nothing else but a pc fan toget rid of some heat. Long story short i had my yield. It was not a crazy amount, but it lasted for months for me and my friends. It was good, it was the result of passion even with crappy equipment.

So 15 some years after that experience I decided to have my "second shot" with a micro grow. Lots of you on "micro grow" talks about 2x2x6 feet grow room with 4-8 plant if not more...is that a micro grow? Is it? Then we should have a different forum section for folks like me that are looking for real stealthy tini-tiny grow room. Lets call it "Nano Grow Room" so that folks don't have to go through tons of Micro Grow Threads of folks with big ass light setups for 4 to 8 plants. That is not "micro", c'mon!

Obviously I'm just kiddin but at the same time I'm really looking for feedback from guys like me that did try to grow some stuff with those led stripes.

So here is my NANO grow room. For just one plant, only one. 35x37x67 cm or 14"x15"x27" or 1x1x2 feet whatever you prefer.
I bought 4x 5m or 16 feet stripes. One 6500k, one 6000k, one 3000k and one 2700k. Cut the in 30cm/1 foot pieces and wire all this pieces in a two faces light panel. The 6000/6500K Veg side that the seller says is 6000 lumen, and the 2700/3000k Flo side that should be 6000 lumen too.
Bullshit of course, the Veg side it's around 2000/2250 lumen and the Flo side might reach 3000 lumen. Not much but should be just fine for a one square foot grow area. We are talking about 500 led units for one side and 600 led units for the other side.
View attachment 4509728View attachment 4509730

I still don't know how close I will be able to keep the plant close to the light but I think 2"to 4" should be fine. Something i culd not do with those super grow led systems.

So, for real, am I the only crazy one?
No you're not crazy. Those guys in the Politics section are though, lol.
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All right! Well then for the sake of learning I'll give it a shot at one of the tall Cola I have, to start, I understand I need both down to lower the lights :)

Do it slowly and in many states if necessary! Got it!!!

Thank you.

Hey there,

Thanks for such comprehensive tutorial for snapping stems. I wonder if this is the HST I hear about...

Anyways, I'm 5 weeks into flower (9 - 10 weeks according to breeder for ripe) do you guys think it's that worth it now? Will those two tops damage the growth of the other less taller ones? I understand that because of those two I cannot lower the lights but I've put the side ones to compensate for that .

Makes sense to you?
Whoooooa. I didn't realize you were that far into bloom. No no no. No wonder it fucking snapped. Only super crop up to 2 weeks going into 3rd of flower.
I get a lot of 12V power supplies to drive the fans from thrift stores for a couple of bucks. As far as a light meter, I have a combo light/moisture/pH meter from Walmart (they are all over online) and have no idea what the meter reads in or the accuracy. But I took it out in full daylight and used that reading to compare with the light level under my lights.
My attempt to figure out if the light is enough, was taking a picture of something inside the grow room and than doing the same outside in bright daylight. The result was(i'm not going to talk about ISO and shutter speed) that with the same camera setting i got almost the same exactly result which mean that the light reaching the sensor was almost the same. Of course I was not aiming to reach "the same light power of the sun" in my grow room but as a DIY test, it gave me a fair enough idea.
My attempt to figure out if the light is enough, was taking a picture of something inside the grow room and than doing the same outside in bright daylight. The result was(i'm not going to talk about ISO and shutter speed) that with the same camera setting i got almost the same exactly result which mean that the light reaching the sensor was almost the same. Of course I was not aiming to reach "the same light power of the sun" in my grow room but as a DIY test, it gave me a fair enough idea.

Close enough for diying it.
My attempt to figure out if the light is enough, was taking a picture of something inside the grow room and than doing the same outside in bright daylight. The result was(i'm not going to talk about ISO and shutter speed) that with the same camera setting i got almost the same exactly result which mean that the light reaching the sensor was almost the same. Of course I was not aiming to reach "the same light power of the sun" in my grow room but as a DIY test, it gave me a fair enough idea.
How many watts is your indoor growlight?
The Sunlight measured with an apogee par meter will give a reading of around 1500 - 2000 umols. 75000 lux
There is no way in the wide world your light fixture is throwing out anywhere near that.
My apogee meter is out at moment so I can't measure.
But I just read the sunlight with a cheapo lux app and it reads

Here is a lux to ppfd calc

To give you an idea of what this means in the real world, a standard well-lit office will be around 500 lux, while outside on a sunny day in the UK will measure around 50,000 lux.
I have measured sunlight on June 30th at 12:11 Hrs and got 2300 + umols
The test I did was probably at 9.30 a.m one week ago so the sun wasn't at its peak but with the same camera setting 50 ISO, 1/250 of second(the f doesn't even matter) and the subject had the right exposure in both photos. Of course the photo taken outside was a bit brighter but not a night and day difference.

Guys, I know it's a stupid test, but I just wanted to have an idea if my light setup was adequate.

I took a shot of a miniature 15 or 10cm (6"-4") away from my led panel which should be 21W in 1x1 foot space. For Flowering I will have a little bit more, 25 watt.

I just did the same test right now even if it's cloudy outside an the picture came out way underexposed compared to the picture taken in the grow room.

Again, it's not a scientific test, I know it :oops:
I'm probably going to regret this :lol:

But I've found a spreadsheet to convert lumen to lux. You have to insert:
-the lumen value, in this case 2250
-the angular emission that for this led strip is 120°
-The distance from the light source which in my case was 0,1 meter

The result is 71619.724 lux

Did the same on 3 different website to convert lumen to lux, always got the same exact result.
I was thinking about it and knowing a little of mathematic and physic probably the spreadsheet consider the light source as point-like which is not
There's a subreddit all about this, spacebuckets. Seen plenty of 'nano' grows with these 12v led strips, and some cheap ufo's and other led lights.