Waiting For God to send Wife


Well-Known Member
Hi my brother's and sister's, I'm a 19 yo male and a virgin, thanks to being focused on herb and not girls, high school just went by so fast with smoking herb with my man and cutting who's also a virgin:leaf:. Which is a good thing for me because I never engaged in any kind of oral or intercourse. After high school I became deeply religious from reading the bible scriptures. It's funny b/c alot of times I could have easily went out with a girl and lost my virginity but something always happened that would sabatoge my attempts to lose it when I was not bible educated. But now that God's word is in me I feel as if god passed the torch to me and now it's up to me to decide wether I to stay pure and recieve my heavinly treasure and pure wife or lose it all. I am lucky enough to be blessed with a wonderful family that passed on to me good looks. I believe I am at a tough point in my life where I need to continue to save myself for the right girl who I want to be a complete virgin like me. I find that some girls were more aggressive towards me than others, a few girls I had a crush on that I tried my luck with but got too shy or lazy and never followed through on the relationship. Because I back in highschool I didn't know that being pure was a valuable blessing, and that god had made special plan's for that sort of thing so my life was kind of safe guarded b/c I was clueless. But now the responsibility is given to me. Does anyone have any tips on how to refrain from sex. I am also trying to give up porn which I'm addiccted to. I will try to take it one step at a time. It seems like alot of girls lose there virginity so early but there must be a jewel out there for me I know it and I am in waiting. Patience is key. peace and love, god bless all of you.


Well-Known Member
Hey, me again, virgins and non-virgin's feel free to share your stories or quote bible scripture, looking forward to reading your replies.


Well-Known Member
Damn. no sex and no porn???
Thats rough. Add no weed and we have some serious issues.....

But i give major kudos for standing up for what you believe in.... And if you firmly believe that you should stay a virgin, do it. There is a very good chance that sometime you may find that one jewel that you speak of.

I wish the best of luck to you and your spiritual journey - toke all the way!!

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I am with you man as a virgin and a christian. I am also 19 and the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to not allow youself to get in situations that will tempt you. It is a lot easier to do something with a girl if she is wearing a short skirt or some other revealing clothing while yall are alone. Try to hang out in a group with your friends, Also, think about how much better sex with your wife will be when it finally does happen.


Well-Known Member
If you want a good christian wife start going to your local LDS Church. (Latter day saints)

I was raised in the church.

After reading your post you'd fit right in.

Although to be a true Mormon you'll have to give up caffine, tobacco, alcohol, and THC is also kinda forbid the church looks down on anything mind altering and stimulants. Although for medical care it is totally acceptable.

Big P

Well-Known Member
when i was younger I didnt lose my virginity till i was 18

i used to pretend it was cuz i didnt like this gurl and that gurl that I could have fucked but in reality it was cuz I was high 24/7 and always to paranoid and high when the chance came along.

I found that due to this problem which i was causing, i would try to convince myself that it was cuz i had high standards and that particuler gurl wasnt hot enough

really i was just a pothead too neverous do do anything

anyway finnally one of my sisters friends freinds found out i was a virgin and dragged me in the bathroom to make out. next thing i new i was hittin it

not saying this is the same as your situation but if it is, then alcohol helps.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
you can't be christian and a fucking pervert at the same time oh my bad you must be baptist the worst Hippocrates ever put on earth. well perv first thing you need to do is come out of the closet it sounds like your in love with your man as you called him good luck the truth will set you free.don't ruin some poor girls life by taking her virginity just to find out you stayed away from girls because you feel more at ease with boys


Well-Known Member
You know, I wasn't a virgin anymore when I met my wife... who was...

I don't think I have ever seen anyone look more hurt than when I told her... it is the ONE thing in life I wish I could take back...

I commend you for the choices you are makeing... although your path and views seem diffirent than mine, I think we are headed in the same direction.

Sorry, but mormons leave me as uneasy as scientologiests...


Well-Known Member
hey, first off thank you for your replies. Wow the girl found out you were a virgin and dragged you in the bathroom that's an insane temptation to hold back from, it's always hard when the girl wants you and is in your crib, I hope I'm never tempted like that but I had a similar situation where an older girl with kid's and a hubby found out I was a virgin and tried to get with me but she moved and I was really going to give in too but she moved... Any way when I didn't have the scriptures in me I thought being a virgin was a bad thing but now I consider it more of a true blessing now and am actually working towards a virgin marriage because god will's it. For example when I saw my sister bring her bf into the house to have sex with him I looked the other way but now I feel as she has missed out on a pure marriage and will never be given her true blessing god has stored up for her in heaven. My parent's don't care if I stay a virgin or not and although they think it's good, they are wondering when I'm going to get a gf. But I am not going to search for a girl, if god decides to cross our path's so be it but now's the time to focus on the lord and all good thing's shall come.


Well-Known Member
when i think of women, sex or temptation i go and give my self 10 lashes across my back with a leather whip. just picture the davinci code.


Well-Known Member
just a few good bible versus,

Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Song of Solomon 1:7 - Do not stir up nor awaken love
Until it pleases.

1 Corinthians 7: 9 - but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.


Well-Known Member
Ive been to church twice, and that was is basic training just to get away from the sergeant.. I lead an enlightened life and I dont use a religion as a guide..My conscience lets me know if Im right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
Id say you'd be happier if you didnt restrict yourself...but you do what makes ya happy..kudos on keepin the V through HS..Im sure you'll find the woman you are looking for in your church community..


Well-Known Member
Also if you have sex with someone you become one flesh...

Matthew 19:5,6- "For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.”

1 Corinthians 6:9, 10-"What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, 10 nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom."
A link to a good article


Well-Known Member
I nailed this chick at my dad's house when i was 15 she was 17.....I couldn't help it but. Now I am 22 and not married and have a daughter and a g/f of almost 5 years...I am not ready to get married Women can be crazy dude you will think you wanna get married but after the fact your like fuck did i really just do that...As for the sex i cant tell you what to do but i can say and im sure everyone will agree......Think very very hard before you do something you might end up regretting.


Well-Known Member
Exactly... why waste valuable riches stored for you in a pure marriage and in the afterlife for a few moment's of pleasure in this life that might not even be fulfilling, then the next day feel guilty and worse be combined with her flesh and not your true love. We'll I'm not a porn freak but I do look at it from time to time and feel dirty afterwards and is something I'm not proud of b/c even having sexual thoughts in your mind can cause some harm. Robert sounds like satan himself...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I'm being honest your words repeated don't sound so sweet, sin in your heart is still a sin do not covet your neighbors wife or all the girls and wife's on the porn site!