Waiting for the next shoe to fall.

when you think civil war, civil rights and coup..all firsts?

they're not going to get what they want; it's a matter of who's going to be the one to tell them and sadly, their own leaders are COWARDS big ole yellow stripe right down their backs..COWARDS!

Qanon Shaman? indeed..how quickly they roll when snapped back to reality.
Occasio Cortez speaks truth here in a video she recorded shortly after her harrowing day during Trump's attempt to murder her.

I set the video to start at 17:08, when she calls out Republicans for their fake claims to support the constitution. The whole thing is a good listen but a short listen from where it starts to 18:00 is hair on fire straight talk from an intelligent woman on what she sees going on around her.
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Occasio Cortz speaks truth here in a video she recorded shortly after her harrowing day during Trump's attempt to murder her.

I set the video to start at 17:08, when she is calls out Republicans for their fake claims to support law and order. The whole thing is a good listen but a short listen from where it starts to 18:00 is hair on fire straight talk from an intelligent woman on what she sees going on around her.

i watched the whole thing. +rep :clap:
i watched the whole thing. +rep :clap:
Whenever I hear somebody talk about how those boys just got lucky and didn't do any real harm when they lucked into breaching Capitol Building security. Whenever I hear somebody talk about how it was a peaceful demonstration. Whenever I hear somebody try to say the death of Sicknik didn't happen during the riot. Whenever somebody defends Trump's actions on that day. Whenever I hear a Republican talk about unity. Whenever I hear a Republican say the impeachment and impeachment trial are "dumb".

I recall that video.
I figure someone is gonna indict Donald real soon, state or federal take your pick, that will shake things up a bit. I wonder if they are waiting for the impeachment trial to conclude before they charge him. If the republican senate acquits him of inciting an insurrection, he can be criminally indicted for the same charge weeks or months later. Upon conviction by the courts, the democrats can impeach him again for the same charge and even add others, no double jeopardy with impeachment.

The next big shoe to drop will be a criminal indictment of Donald, or perhaps the senate will convict him, seems they want a big trial with witnesses for cover. Mitch will need 17 republican votes to do Donald and we will see after the trial, Mitch wants Donald gone and a full blown trial might be the way he does it. I guess federally, they are waiting for the new AG to be confirmed, there is that case against individual #1 in the SDNY though. Impeachment is a political process, so perhaps they don't want to fuck up any political processes and that might account for delay.
I figure someone is gonna indict Donald real soon, state or federal take your pick, that will shake things up a bit. I wonder if they are waiting for the impeachment trial to conclude before they charge him. If the republican senate acquits him of inciting an insurrection he can be criminally indicted for the same charge weeks or months later. Upon conviction by the courts, the democrats can impeach him again for the same charge and even add others, no double jeopardy with impeachment.

The next big shoe to drop will be a criminal indictment of Donald, or perhaps the senate will convict him, seems they want a big trial with witnesses for cover. Mitch will need 17 republican votes to do Donald and we will see after the trial, Mitch wants Donald gone and a full blown trial might be the way he does it. I guess federally, they are waiting for the new AG to be confirmed, there is that case against individual #1 in the SDNY though...
More like, they are taking their time to make sure the shot they take at him is a good one. They can take as long as they want. Every case needs to be a kill shot, figuratively speaking.

The Senate trial is not going to convict him. No point in claiming otherwise. The trial is to read the testimony and evidence into the Congressional record and to record the treachery of each and every Republican who fails to honor their oath of office. So, yeah, it's a political event, not one that will actually do Trump harm, other than enrage him and goad him into possibly making a fatal mistake.
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I've really enjoyed the peacefulness of the news lately. It's good to have a non-psychotic President again.

And yet no matter how much I try to stay out of it, I am still surrounded by retards who believe in Trump and are still exhibiting symptoms of the ongoing Q-pandemic of stupidity.

They aren't finished with this yet. It's still not over. Sure, a good number of these febrile idiots have realized that they have been conned by a rather amateurish grift, but many of them are just reformulating their asinine beliefs the same way an old woman who is certain that the rapture will occur in her life would (hi mom).

I have had at least a dozen people share their steadfast belief that Biden will be out of office in the next 30-40 days and Trump will be POTUS again. A couple said that Trump was just about to declare martial law and arrest Biden shortly before the swearing in but decided to give the satanic cabal a little more rope so he can catch them actually supping on the blood of infants in the Oval Office and halls of Congress.

This kind of delusional rage isn't going to go away. There's something big coming.

You got that right, something big is coming.
Lets see how Biden handles Iran!
You got that right, something big is coming.
Lets see how Biden handles Iran!
Iran? Where you been, man?

Let's look at the list of real issues for this country: Pandemic, high unemployment, economy teetering on long term economic depression, white supremacist terrorism, racial injustices, an impacted Congress, hostile and aggressive totalitarian governments in China and Russia, fallout from climate-change related extreme weather events (fires, flooding, drought, mass extinctions), Karens (jk).

Iran does not make the list. The worry list above contains important but not vital issues to the people who vote.

The Biden's administration will succeed or fail depending on how it handles the vaccine rollout and economic well being of the people of this country.
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Im thinking the other shoe is going to be a whole mess of 'tea-party'-esque nuts trying to sneak through in the primaries since there is so much violence directed at public office holders anybody who can't afford to protect their family is potentially going to be in a tough spot if they run.
Im not sure I agree with this. I don’t think any of them believe they were conned at all. Other than politicians who are publicly disagreeing with what he did, everyone is still behind Trump and doesn’t believe he did anything wrong. They will still vote for him if he’s somehow able to run again in 2024. This isn’t going away. Once he passes these morons will latch on to the next guy and do the same. It’s a cycle. They’re spinning their hamster wheel.
Let’s not ignore the possibility that they know full well and are committed to this course of action, win or lose; I would even say this is a certainty. Plausible deniability has never been stretched to cover so much as this, and the entire thing is so blatant only the brainwashed have any chance of being fooled, or any patience with the increasingly implausible denials.

We really do need to have the sedition caucus unseated, at least for the duration of impeachment: as accomplices, they cannot rule justly on a guilt they themselves share: to fail to act against the impeached is to ward off danger to themselves, and the entire action . Their oaths are forsworn and invalid, a vote on Trump’s charges is a travesty. If we were serious about preserving the Union, we’d expel them and charge them and try them and impose serious punishment on them.
Jesus titty-fucking christ, these people are full on mentally retarded.

Three Weeks Inside a Pro-Trump QAnon Chat Room
I liked them better when Jesus was their best buddy, I haven't heard too much about Jesus lately, just Cheeto Jesus. The point is these people have always been with us and with technology both empowering and misinforming the individual, they are going to be an issue moving forward. The bigots, racists, authoritarians, assholes, idiots and the conmen who jerk their chains are all on one side now. The sacking of the Capital finished them and the remnants are following Donald down the drain of history. They will be around for awhile, but between now and 2022, it will be a miserable existence for some, the fun, investigations, hearings and trials have yet to begin.
like i said.

yes you did..um, whoops..tell me, who was awarded a contract to dispense vaccinations again?

everything trump touches dies..this is going to get very ugly..Biden is going to have to set up a TRUMP DESK just for his shit.
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like i said.

yes you did..um, whoops..tell me, who was awarded a contract to dispense vaccinations again?

everything trump touches dies..this is going to get very ugly..Biden is going to have to set up a TRUMP DESK just for his shit.
There it is, then. For the past four years, those guys have been racking up frequent flyer miles and hospitality points at hotels on somebody's dime. They would fly in to Portland from all over the US for events that lasted less than two hours before the Police declared an illegal assembly. Only to come back in a few weeks. No way they could have afforded it on their own.

I'm guessing that RICO will soon be invoked against Proud Boys, the government will pore over the bank records of each and every member. The funding operation will be scrutinized to find the sources of money behind their little paramilitary army.

Still though, $300,000 nearly did our democracy in. Imagine how many more events like that will be staged once Trump's oligarch crime bosses start contributing. (as if they haven't already contributed through the NRA and shell organizations).
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They wanted to believe Obama was running a shadow govt after he left office.
Qcumbers are dangerous lunatics. Label it a terrorist group and arrest them. Nothing works like being tough on crime. :)
Hey Canada! It's me, Dreaming One. Thanks. I'd be surprised if we can get our shit together, but at least you guys can. I'll be watching for arrests or seized assets.
Iran? Where you been, man?

Let's look at the list of real issues for this country: Pandemic, high unemployment, economy teetering on long term economic depression, white supremacist terrorism, racial injustices, an impacted Congress, hostile and aggressive totalitarian governments in China and Russia, fallout from climate-change related extreme weather events (fires, flooding, drought, mass extinctions), Karens (jk).

Iran does not make the list. The worry list above contains important but not vital issues to the people who vote.

The Biden's administration will succeed or fail depending on how it handles the vaccine rollout and economic well being of the people of this country.
Do you think the US has better chance against China than last time if they have another military encounter?