Waiting for the next shoe to fall.

We actually were pretty advanced with our satellites early on. But we just did not have the population to pay for some of the things we could have done. Lot of engineers went to NASA. Just facts of life.
ya ya ya a buncha monkeys with wrenches is what you Canadians are :eyesmoke:
Fake Canadians?

Nothing but maple syrup running through this guys veins.
I said half. I am sure that some of those guys in high school with Canadian girlfriends actually had them.

I mean, as a Canadian, haven't you gotten that impression too? Pretending to be a foreigner from a friendly country is straight out of the Internet Research Agency's playbook. It allows you to be ignorant of certain cultural aspects of being an American without tipping your hand.

It worked for the Coneheads.
Probably a good tradeoff.

One day when you have time you can explain why dumping the worlds most advanced
jet fighter into the ocean and making parts for a foreign countries automakers in trade for
letting us buy those autos is a good deal......??
One day when you have time you can explain why dumping the worlds most advanced
jet fighter into the ocean and making parts for a foreign countries automakers in trade for
letting us buy those autos is a good deal......??
We would have gone broke before the thing was done. Besides, the big dog next door might not have been to partial to more advanced weaponry right next door. Not like they were going to buy from us.
One day when you have time you can explain why dumping the worlds most advanced
jet fighter into the ocean and making parts for a foreign countries automakers in trade for
letting us buy those autos is a good deal......??
Do you miss Q? Are you at loose ends until he comes back and tells you some more crap that fuels your (probably homoerotic) LARPing fantasies?

About half of the Republican Party believe Democrats are in league with Illuminati and eat babies while following the Protocols of Zion.
Another quarter want to re-locate all dark skinned people "back to where they came from".
The last 25% actually believe that trickle down economics not only work but are the only moral option for this country to follow.

Before you go on about "both sides the same", you need to spend some time explaining why those different groups are to be listened to.

Freedom of speech....its in one of your amendments.
Debate, you can use that as a tool, not demonize and attack people with different views.......think guest speakers at your universities.

Someone asked me for documentation.....I think I'd like to see where yours came from to throw those numbers out....1/2 eat babies??
We would have gone broke before the thing was done. Besides, the big dog next door might not have been to partial to more advanced weaponry right next door. Not like they were going to buy from us.
WTF??........they imported our scientists like we were Nazi war criminals to create the best jet fighters in the world.
They did let us attach an arm on their spacecraft.......gee, thanks guys.

The American auto industry is leaving our country in droves....MAGA at its finest...
WTF??........they imported our scientists like we were Nazi war criminals to create the best jet fighters in the world.
They did let us attach an arm on their spacecraft.......gee, thanks guys.

The American auto industry is leaving our country in droves....MAGA at its finest...
It was a good run while it lasted. The thing that did us in was the Fracking. Oil was $100 barrel, our dollar was worth more than the greenback. Hey, nothing is forever.
Fauci wins $1 million Israeli prize for 'defending science'

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, has won a $1 million Israeli prize for “defending science” throughout his career.
The Dan David Foundation which is based at Tel Aviv University said on Monday that Fauci has won the prize for “courageously defending science in the face of uninformed opposition during the challenging COVID crisis,” the Seattle Times reported.
“As the COVID-19 pandemic unraveled, (Fauci) leveraged his considerable communication skills to address people gripped by fear and anxiety and worked relentlessly to inform individuals in the United States and elsewhere about the public health measures essential for containing the pandemic’s spread,” the foundation’s awards committee said.

Going to frost someone's ass.
Maybe we’ll talk when you get some years on you; in the meantime, enjoy hiding behind your keyboard!
I'm 60.....thats why I'm sooooooo smart.
Dont run away Baggy.....play nice with both sides.

Still waiting on your leaching answers.....if you actually reply to it I'll show you how Bias works, you could use this knowledge
to work on your people skills
It was a good run while it lasted. The thing that did us in was the Fracking. Oil was $100 barrel, our dollar was worth more than the greenback. Hey, nothing is forever.

Its still a good run.....the amount of oil usage doesn't go down it increases daily.
The question is.......who you want to buy from?
Biden shut down Keystone, that tard in Michigan is going to shut line 5 and kill line 3.
That will double the cost of fuel in the east and loose about 6K jobs.....but thats F-all during
a pandemic. GO UNITED EMIRATES!!
Read my lips Uncle Dick....
Man up ffs.
It's not an attack. Be proud, you'll be happier.

I mean, come on... you claim to want freedom but you do everything in your power to ensure that you live under the most oppressive government possible.

Kinda like that butch dude I knew that really, really liked to be pinned face down by a leather daddy.
Its still a good run.....the amount of oil usage doesn't go down it increases daily.
The question is.......who you want to buy from?
Biden shut down Keystone, that tard in Michigan is going to shut line 5 and kill line 3.
That will double the cost of fuel in the east and loose about 6K jobs.....but thats F-all during
a pandemic. GO UNITED EMIRATES!!
Oil is a worldwide commodity unlike any other. I think we need a pipeline to the East. Think the gas line could be converted. The one that makes most sense was the one right through Northern BC, but we are too sensitive for that.
New DNC video highlights Republicans leaving GOP
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is working to highlight a number of high-profile defections from the Republican Party.

A short video, titled "Republicans Leaving Party In Droves," makes a pitch for Republican voters to rethink their loyalties.

It includes a clip of former Secretary of State Colin Powell saying that he can no longer call himself a Republican, and one of former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele saying that "when you're losing Republican members and you're left with QAnon and Proud Boys, you've got to reassess whether or not you're even close to being a viable party."
