Waiting game, kinda thinking im f*cked.

Just had a 'Tude order get snagged at LA

My last Tude order went to LA, still made it to east coast in 7 days. No problems here, its just random packs getting snagged. Probably some douchebag go-getter on shift when your package went through. All of his coworkers probably hate him too.
My last Tude order went to LA, still made it to east coast in 7 days. No problems here, its just random packs getting snagged. Probably some douchebag go-getter on shift when your package went through. All of his coworkers probably hate him too.
my third tude reship just got nabbed in la again. Ordered mid December, three lame attempts at stealth shipping, don't waste your time or money with attitude seeds. Colorado 303 flurry is in my next run, made in the good ol USA.
Like anyone can't just go to the site and see?

Yeah no, There is real stealth shipping where customs wouldnt find the beans even if they looked, and then there is a t shirt, the t shirt is no secret so anyone saying im ruining the stealth here is only validating their own stupidty, infront of everyone no less.