Now i am not a big art paint lover, but I had this local artist paint me a canvas of water lilies with the perspective coming from down below. I told him I could give him 400 for the painting. He heartily agreed and started right up. About a month into it, he sheepishly calls me up (he was about 20) and asks if I could drop by and talk with him. Now I already know what it's about... as always it's about money.

He bit way too quick on the 400, I knew he didn't think it through. So he hems and haws and beats around the bushes. I just stopped him and said, "how much"? His eyes lit up as the burden had been lifted. "Could I get 200 more"? Sure kid, you bet. I had the cash on me and paid him.
Long story short, he gets it done and it is spectacular. He gets prints made up and I start to see them in the local restaurants. My nephews are visiting and while looking at a copy, a customer comments how nice that print nephew uncle has the original.
So a year goes by and I forget all about it, when my artist calls me up and says he has a buyer in Orlando.... a professional basketball player wants the original and would I accept 6000 for it? I think he must have thought I was crazy when I said no. My guy was like WHAT??? You don't want to sell? Nope, dude, i didn't have you make that painting so I could profit by it. I had you paint it because I like it! tell that "player", I'll sell it for 10k

Never heard back, which didn't surprise me one bit. That put an end to it.... ego attack.