Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I miss rainy days. I love them, it gives your body the chance to just relax. It never rains here for any length of time.:?
How you doing Miss?
Twisty did your scan work? Mine did and didn't...I am still having issues. I went on this site called A Face Place, it is a spa for women. My avast said it had a trojan and it did whatever to my computer...I am better, but, not fixed....Arrrrgh!

Twisty did your scan work? Mine did and didn't...I am still having issues. I went on this site called A Face Place, it is a spa for women. My avast said it had a trojan and it did whatever to my computer...I am better, but, not fixed....Arrrrgh!


Same here..some seems fixed some not... a friend at another place who knows her stuff big time gave me this place for free comp. Dr...etc... my system won't take it but check it out..
www.filehippo.com.. theres tons of scans..etc..
blah, this rainy weather crap..... makes for wet sloppy dogs and muddy dog feet across the floors.

My veggies outside are lovin it though. My onion sets are sprouting like crazy and the carrot seeds I planted about a week ago are popping up. :clap:
blah, this rainy weather crap..... makes for wet sloppy dogs and muddy dog feet across the floors.

My veggies outside are lovin it though. My onion sets are sprouting like crazy and the carrot seeds I planted about a week ago are popping up. :clap:
Its nice to see that this spring is kicking in a month earlier than last year....