Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
When I first dated my future wife, at some point she mentioned that she can't ride a bicycle. She said she could balance but after ten feet she would lose it. so I went out and purchased her a brand new bike since and decided to teach her since where we lived was a quiet area. Frankly I didn't believe her, it just seemed incredulous.

Sure enough, I'm standing there and help her start up and she's doing fine. Then BAM!... right into a parked car. Parked! Man, I just started to laugh my arse off, it was a funny thing to watch as she was going really sloooow. I couldn't believe it. We had a pisser of a day and she ended up way more confident and today rides miles and miles with no worries for anything stationary...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I am getting it together over here to do a road trip to Maryland with my first load of crap....17 hr drive with 4 birds, 2 ferrets, 2 cats, 2 dogs and a leopard gecko.:shock: I am glad I am flying back,lol.


Well-Known Member
Out of the 4 big boy birds I am taking, 3 get car sick.:( I always wondered what they would do if they were in the wild? Fly around puking on everyone!