Well-Known Member
Morning, waker bakers.

The worlds gone mad.. Just today I saw on the news this new gum thats like 1.5 red bull.... already some kid had to go to hospital for being all jumpy.. they'll (Govt) will let companies drug everything from milk to gum and freak at pot smokers that use a substance with 1,000's of years of testing w/out any major detriment... cookies and gum.. yeah.. that sounds safe....There is this crazy commercial here promoting a diet...These people diet with cookies!! What is that about? Doesn't seem smart to me..Don't you want to NOT eat cookies while dieting? Everyone wants everything easy now a days....
Now I have that stupid jingle in my head "Who stole a cookie from the cookie jar?" I hate that commercial....Rant over..
Hey cripp... you're all cheery this morning... good shit.. been some grumpy shit in the force lately.... myself included..
good murnin to y'all! A fine June 1st it is. except for those folks on the Plane from Brazil to France - plane just disappeared? They maybe ain't having such a good day?!