Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
One Ringy Dingy .... Two Ringy Dingy .... Three Ringy Dingy ..... it's .... Wake and Bake Time ...... its FriDay!! and it's Friday of a LOng Weekend!! whhooooo .... oh wait ... I don't have to go to work any more ... hahahaha .... whooohhhoooo anyway !


Well-Known Member
hey Chiceh, good luck and much energy to you today in your day of hard work .... it'll be Grand for sure. Walk On!!~~~


Well-Known Member
just got finised packin the bowl
with some good ol w.widow..hehe
sooooooooo nice......
chiceh is missing a tooth..lol.


New Member
Had to run in and fire one up! :lol:

Shuttle just came in, and this time the double sonic booms were right on top of me. I get them all the time, but this one was by far the strongest...:clap: Every dog within earshot went nuts....:mrgreen: