Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, here's a little Canadian blues for you and yours this morning.

"It's everything just to hear that guitar ring"



Well-Known Member
What a beautiful spring day. I love this weather.


My wake n bake is in full bake mode now.:-)



Well-Known Member
I cheated... I woke up at 4am..ate cookies.. posted.. then promptly fell back to sleep on the couch for 45 mins with the dog.. damn medibles.


Well-Known Member
79 degrees out right now, getting hotter


Well-Known Member
ohhh so awake,.. now what the heck had another cookie.. everyone here has been up since 7:30am a rarity.. wifey can sleep past 9 once in awhile kids have been allowed to sleep past 10.. once in awhile..

going to upload a vid that happened a few mins ago to the pet thread.. had 2 of the puppies chilling in my lap while wifey was watching tv and a nice fight breaks out right on my lap..


Well-Known Member
Well, no dog fights on my lap, but I did wake up and bake up this morning.
It's bright and sunny out, spring's almost here...



Active Member
Had this song stuck in my head this morning thought I share :eyesmoke:
Morning all

match box

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;hW6jgLa63VA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW6jgLa63VA[/video] Good morning again. I was not myself earlier. Feeling much better now. The sun is out at least for now and the hash I eat is working. You all have a great day. Sorry didn't mean to be a bummer.


Active Member
Hola crew! Had this song stuck in my head for weeks, I don't even like the song... well, maybe deep down I do.

Song reminds me of someone...



Well-Known Member
Went old school last night 1999...woke up with the song still playing in my head.

lyrics are something else: click
