Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
happy new year and good morning. i heard this song going thru some satellite music last night and now it's stuck in my head, stuck in my head, stuck in my head :eyesmoke:

EDIT: why is my video cut in half? nevermind :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Still have a few months but I'm thinking about living off the 401k for the remainder. Maybe I'll start a poll? LOL :)


Virtually Unknown Member
I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to kick winter to the curb... Have a great day!



Well-Known Member
Morning All!
Motor boated around SF Bay with one of my sons and his g/f yesterday, we went out the GG, hiked Angel Island,and had lunch in Alameda before heading back home.
It was if we had the bay to ourselves, no wind, little boat traffic or fog. One of the nicer "winter" days. I'll post picks if and when he sends me some.
As for now, time to go to work. Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Morning All!
Motor boated around SF Bay with one of my sons and his g/f yesterday, we went out the GG, hiked Angel Island,and had lunch in Alameda before heading back home.
It was if we had the bay to ourselves, no wind, little boat traffic or fog. One of the nicer "winter" days. I'll post picks if and when he sends me some.
As for now, time to go to work. Have a good one.

How could it be any better. So happy for you.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Congrats dirtsurfr, that has to feel wonderful, so close :)



Well-Known Member
So really... My woman works 1/2 day today, so when her alarm went off at 4am...
Today for some reason, I woke way up...
Sipping coffee...
On my second bowl of some very fresh whorehound...
I gotta say:

It's wrong for me to look at my Thermometer and the outside temp says:

7 f degrees....

that's just not right...


Well-Known Member
thump thump....if it's rock n roll it's gotta bump the coffee cup off the table!



Well-Known Member
hmmmm I don't need to fight to prove I'm right....AND I DON'T NEED TO BE FORGIVEN


match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. God bud and coffee to start the day. It's not been easy to find an apartment that I would live in so far. I've been out looking every day well not yesterday I took my back surgery friend to Dr. And then helped an other guy that doesn't drive go to the bank and pick up some other things. I'll be out looking today. You all have a great day.