I'd give you a handful of xanax to get you over the hump if I could!! If you can get a few, and you don't have a problem with them, they, or Valium, will help immensely. Just don't get hooked on benzos because that's even worse than opiods!!TY. Alright. Stopped taking any pills Friday. My goodies are getting it done. Hope to finish samples and cake to un-awake. Sleep is my issue now. LOL.
That's what's powering my Accord for the last 5 years. The first one I got only lasted a few months because I left an accessory light on over night and fried it. But they gave me a new one for free and it's been damn near 5 years.They don't make car batteries like they used to. In the olden days those AC-Delco's were always good for 8+ years. Battery in my (new) Nissan crapped out after 3 years, the replacement lasted 4. I had faith in Interstate but the last 2 I bought weren't that good. Surprisingly, I've had good luck with the Everstart Maxx line from WalMart. Hard to understand considering there are only a few battery manufacturers in the US that produce them and tag with the seller's names.
I'll wish you "Good Luck", (that doubles the jinx effectThat's what's powering my Accord for the last 5 years. The first one I got only lasted a few months because I left an accessory light on over night and fried it. But they gave me a new one for free and it's been damn near 5 years.
And I just know I am jinxing myself, lol...Watch, the bi*** won't start today!!!
No kidding. I listen to a talk radio program, Rover's Morning Glory, every morning. They had a smart, talented, funny young guy on the program who everyone watched and lamented his benzo addiction. That coupled with his opiod use ended tragically, once when he threw himself off a 3 story building (survived!) and just a month ago when he fatally OD'd.hooked on benzos because that's even worse than opiods!!
I've heard that show.No kidding. I listen to a talk radio program, Rover's Morning Glory, every morning. They had a smart, talented, funny young guy on the program who everyone watched and lamented his benzo addiction. That coupled with his opiod use ended tragically, once when he threw himself off a 3 story building (survived!) and just a month ago when he fatally OD'd.![]()
How does he get $200 a day for his habit?I've heard that show.
I've got an old friend who is addicted to heroin. He still works full time, but he's about at rock bottom. He's been an addict for about 20 years and is about 50, and works as a roofer in the summer and a painter in the winter. He use to get methadone on the street to try and maintain but his connection dried up a year ago so it's been full time H....an expensive habit, in this town it's $200 a gram, and he does a gram a day. Plus he's an alcoholic and can chug vodka like water...It's f***ing sad!!
He recently added methamphetamine to the mix. His bro, also a friend, is trying to get him into a methadone program before he dies...Amazing he hasn't. His girls ready to leave, and she has MS and is on opiods and benzos. He hasn't had a car in 3-4 years. Only reason he has a home is he inherited it.
It is really sad, and he was a great guy.
He probably can't keep up with $200 a day and that is why he's hitting bottom....and switching it up with the cheaper speed.How does he get $200 a day for his habit?
I exhausted all options on the weekend. There's a bunch of testing centers here you can pay $200 and get your results in 24 hours but they couldn't get her in until this morning. If she was going to make it in time she had to fly out this morning. We're going to join them on Zoom. The funeral starts at 11am local time, that's 5am here. ugh!Don't know how it is in Canada wife says here in the US you can get a test at the hospital in 24 for emergencies don't know if this will help out or not @LaughingGrass sorry for your loss
TY. I hate pills period. Oxy put me in this mess. And I'm trying to avoid pain pills right down to aspirin. Always have.I'd give you a handful of xanax to get you over the hump if I could!! If you can get a few, and you don't have a problem with them, they, or Valium, will help immensely. Just don't get hooked on benzos because that's even worse than opiods!!
Be strong and hang in there!! Sleep will come and it will be great!
Why I always avoid pills if possible. Only so tough though. GRRRR! 10Mg sits me down and makes me ill.120 mg of oxycodone 4 times a day 350 mg of Soma fore 7 years gave me ringing in my ears rotted my teeth out and messed up my kidneys and liver