Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I’m really good with meats. Like something you guys just know. It’s hard to teach people, especially when they don’t want to learn. I hope there’s at least one @DarkWeb to learn from dad.

Winobarbie is spoiled badly it that’s coming to an end lol I’ve been forcing her to follow my directions and cook ( stir when bubbling). We’ll get to hard boiled eggs one day.
I’m really good with meats. Like something you guys just know. It’s hard to teach people, especially when they don’t want to learn. I hope there’s at least one @DarkWeb to learn from dad.

Winobarbie is spoiled badly it that’s coming to an end lol I’ve been forcing her to follow my directions and cook ( stir when bubbling). We’ll get to hard boiled eggs one day.



Or out on the town......

I love meat :blsmoke:
That's a tough one. And the only reason to go to the renaissance fair is to watch idiots beat eachother with sticks I thought. The turkey legs are terrible.
that mostly true yeah if you're not part of the clan you get terrible food and get to watch the idiots beat each other with sticks but if you actually have some 18 gauge battle ready chain mail you actually use real swords well to a point he he he
that mostly true yeah if you're not part of the clan you get terrible food and get to watch the idiots beat each other with sticks but if you actually have some 18 gauge battle ready chain mail you actually use real swords well to a point he he he
Nerf battles only at the ones I've been to. Still brutal. The artisans stalls are my real draw. That and hustling a few laughs out of the poor archery guys that accept a bet.
All we have around here is called the Celtic games in Davenport

I kid you not, our Renaissance Fair is called BARF, Bay Area Renaissance Festival. As damned hot as it is during the event, that's about how you feel after two hours of walking around eating fried foods and watching actors joust, badly. It's fun for the kids and I have a lot of friends who work the event as a side gig, but I think I've aged out of events like that now.

To be honest I just don't like events in the south, it's all food so crappy it has to be fried 3 times. I remember the festivals in Iowa were nearly always centered around fresh food. The one I remember most vividly was one a harvest festival at Strawberry Point, right around that time of year we stocked the deep freeze with all the local products. In my adult life I haven't found a vegetable I'm willing to eat, nothing has tasted right since my parents left Iowa and our backyard garden. I absolutely hate processed vegetables. Eh maybe one day I'll get back to a place that has soil instead of living on a sandbar blown in from the Sahara. My grandad was right, can't grow shit here.

/unless you're indoors and pay out the nose for AC and de-humidification.