Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Yes, so long as you clean it
Not much more dangerous than them saucers they sold us as kids!:bigjoint:
When my ex's boy was about 5 years old, I use to pull him behind my ATV on a flying saucer....Just like water skiing, you can whip the rider on the turns. One time he fell off at a high rate of speed, and just laid there in the snow face down...I was sure i had broke his neck and killed him...as I drove up to him his little head popped up out of the snow and he started bitching. That was the last "whip". :o

Is it dab time yet? I am thinking groceries today, and move some plants from the veg closet to flower room. I finished phase A of trim jail last night....Half done but the other half needs a week. Not my best harvest, but not my worst either!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Also, I know where I’d look for a woman if I were looking; craft fairs! I ran into a scrapbook club at the last hotel I stayed at. The grandchildren love exploring hotels. Anywho, I noticed a lot of activity so I inquired. The lady said, “This is a scrapbook club. More women than you can shake a stick at.” Why men go to bars looking for women is beyond me, lol! :bigjoint:
The only woman I met at a bar was well worth it. No data on craft fair cruising... get back to you next summer


Well-Known Member
If you want help we'd need to see your plant under natural light :eyesmoke: BTW if you haven't been around here in a decade why is your profile locked and your sig says you're a professional troll hunter? So many questions for a Friday, good morning.
Fixed it! :bigjoint:I need help but not with my garden, lol. I usually know when I have fucked up and how to fix it. Grow through your mistakes. Someone once asked my aikidio Sensei how he could perform flawless technique. He laughed and said, “I make many mistakes. I just correct them faster now.” :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Morning....how's everyone doing.....TGIFF.........

woke up this morning to a light rain and almost 60F :shock:, in december....yes in december.....high today almost 80F and a little muggy....

just got to the shop.....started a fresh pot be ready in a few moments....

now to attack these bean and cheese..........


Well-Known Member
Morning....how's everyone doing.....TGIFF.........

woke up this morning to a light rain and almost 60F :shock:, in december....yes in december.....high today almost 80F and a little muggy....

just got to the shop.....started a fresh pot be ready in a few moments....

now to attack these bean and cheese..........
I had to ski in 70° weather once.....horrible.