Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
:shock: Twisty, you need to be more careful. Now I gotta sit here and worry about you too !

It's fucking snowing outside all of a sudden, WTF?
twisty, i bet you got one odd look buying 25 bags of dirt this time of year!..."ive got, uhhhhh...lots of "house plants."
Plants are back up and happy...one lung re-inflated, woo hoo...... :bigjoint:
You know it Slik. had to ask and she looked at me like I had two heads...
Had to tell her to go in back and find some.... At least it was cheap, being out of season....... stupid plants..........:eyesmoke:

*in low plant voice from closet.... we heard that... :finger:


Well-Known Member
aw twisty, be nice to the kids, you'll be glad you were later.
i had a big op for 2 harvests witha partner who didnt smoke, he was just in for the money. long story short, he was a prick, thought you just plugged some shit in and it rained money, didnt know shit about shit. i told him we needed to turn the girls 1/4 turn every day to maximize light coverage....he thought that was too much work and his reply was, "not my problem"....so yeah, take care of those kids.


New Member
Don't you just hate people like that, "I wanna participate in receiving the money, but not the actual work"

My family is like that sometimes, they don't like it if the plants are work, but they like to smoke them........fuckers......:razz:


New Member
It's best to grow it alone. I take care of my plants, I just wish the family wouldn't let me oversleep when they know my lights should be on, I really need a timer.


Well-Known Member
now is the time to buy timers, theyre all out for xmas. usually good ones you can put outside in winter too! go digital if you can swing it($15-30), they keep thier settings and time thru power outages.


New Member
Are you getting those things, dammit what are they called, snow rollers, we had them here about 5 years ago, the wind catches the snow and rolls in along in balls. It looked like fairy's had been running through the empty fields making snowballs.

They're fun for snowball fights, you can just pick those up and throw them at people.