There used to be a show called “Preppers” here. It was all about people who would prepare for some stupid apocalyptic scenario. People would say shit like “I’m preparing for the global economy to fail”, or shit like “I’m prepping for the fall of the government and invasion from foreign enemies.”
Most of the times, those people were sorta crazy. And they were prepping for terribly unrealistic scenarios that are EXTREMELY unlikely.
Then there was one guy who was prepping for the one event that I always felt COULD happen.
A huge solar storm that knocks out the worlds power grid for at least a couple years. This is totally plausible.
The Carrington Event was the largest solar storm recorded in 1859. It cause a worldwide auroral event, meaning you could see the “northern lights” all around the world.
If an event like that were to happen today, it could knock out the worlds power grid for at least months, possibly years.
That means no refrigerated foods, no working gas pumps, no Internet, no cell phones, no easy interstate or international travel or even communication.
Shit would become chaotic pretty quickly. As soon as the grocery stores were depleted, and they weren’t being restocked due to the infrastructure breakdown, it doesn’t take long. Once people ACTUALLY become hungry. Like REALLY hungry. I don’t know how many people in this country have gone over a week without any real food…
Shit would break down into chaos fairly quickly. Especially when people realize that there are no actual consequences for their negative actions.