Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning all....how's everyone doing this fine day.....Glad your safe Paul, i saw that stuff on the news....all i have to say is :shock:, hope everyone is staying warm and cozy....

well woke up this morning to a nice 37F just a tad chilly....today's high 70F, this will last only a few days, till we get another front this far south, then it will drop the highs from the 70 and 80's, to mid 40F.....so this next coming weekend beware.....gotta nother storm heading your way....

just finished making coffee, time to get a warm up.....

already had breakfast, charizo and egg taco's.....yes please.....


Well-Known Member
Here's a good one. my uncle, whos only a few years older than me and lives in the country like me, was attacked by his crazy neighbors 2 dogs while out shoveling this am, and he said they were viscous. He grabbed a knife and tried to kill them and they retreated...I said WTF, shoot them! His neighbor is some BIG crazy meth head biker so he has to be a little careful. It's been an ongoing feud for years, and my uncle is super chill...Just wants to be left alone.

I told him to call the cops...He has security cameras all over....and next time shoot!!


Well-Known Member
Here's a good one. my uncle, whos only a few years older than me and lives in the country like me, was attacked by his crazy neighbors 2 dogs while out shoveling this am, and he said they were viscous. He grabbed a knife and tried to kill them and they retreated...I said WTF, shoot them! His neighbor is some BIG crazy meth head biker so he has to be a little careful. It's been an ongoing feud for years, and my uncle is super chill...Just wants to be left alone.

I told him to call the cops...He has security cameras all over....and next time shoot!!
The nice thing about viscous dogs is that they run slowly if at all.


Well-Known Member
Home from work, cleaned up and got my color-coded pheno-hunt, plugs soaking in the cloning chamber with hot bleach water and the recirculating pump before final rinse.

Then it's time to cut up 4 veg plants and make 6 cuttings of each, only one from each mom will make the grade.

Then I get to wait to harvest to see which of the 4 will become the one that wins Survivor Pheno-hunt edition. It's really slow and I get the only vote on who stays in the closet.

Strain: Dominion Seeds: Mountain Berry.
Per their information insert: Two potential phenos, a Bubbleberry dominant pheno and a Cindy99 dominant pheno.

Pretty sure I have 2 of each and have figured out which is which. The bubbleberry pheno looks less appealing in veg but according to their docs should be the one that yields more, the cindy99 pheno is a big bushy plant, so the theory the wife and I have is that the BB pheno puts more into flowers while the C99 pheno puts more energy into foliage. Rounding week6-7 (I popped seeds over two weeks) of veg and it's all guess work at this point. I won't really know anything until harvest, right now the we're betting that the runt looking pheno is going to surprise us in the end of flower because that's what some grow journals of Bubbleberry look like.

Might consider a grow journal for these cuttings, it's only been 13 years since I logged on here posted a few pics of my closet and then stayed away from posting pics. Don't know, still feel like a parnoid time traveler form the 90's. Weed, what's weed, those things that I have in place of a lawn, those weeds?