Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member

Let's take it easy....

What's everyone up to today?

I'm getting wood, then digging out my treadmill from storage. One of these days I'll use it bongsmilie
I'll race you!! D; Loser has to post an embarrassing photo :P

Good chill, morning people. Anyone want some coffee? You can't have any of mine, or I'll bite you, but I am sure you can find some if you look hard enough...


Well-Known Member
@Laughing Grass is busy cleaning snow off her car I bet!! We have snow here in higher elevations.

I got most of my transplanting done yesterday....Other than some clones in the cloner that need a few more days.

Not sure what today will bring...I should pay some bills and do some laundry for starters!! I still have not mailed my taxes in.

Bacon is sounding pretty good though!!


Well-Known Member
@BobBitchen I’m lazy , do you have a link ? I need a sticker.