Hey gryph. Tried to rep you to make up for your negs, but it wouldn't let me, gotta wait until another time.

Hey fiend
Aaaaww. Thanks! It's all good though. If we didn't get negative reps, we wouldn't know when we've offended someone. It's just a pity no-one is game to ID themselves. I'd accept the neg rep as valid constructive criticism if they did. Otherwise it's just funny

I have one that reads @care? and two that call me a moron. I'm pretty sure I agreed with the first neg repper when he called me a few names and let him win. I could also be way off the mark

Now I feel like I have underlying rep anxiety issues...

...oh no, it's OK. it's this bud I'm smoking. EVERY bloody post I make turns into some bloody Moby Dick epic saga!!
I've got textual diahorrea!!
Mornin! Slept in today, it was great.... another 75 degree day down here

Don't worry, revenge comes to me weather wise in the summer.
Okay, what exactly is vegemite? The "Men Down Under" song made me aware of it but, what is it?
The link will tell you all about it. But basically, if you are not Australian, or have never tried 'Promite' or 'Marmite', you will consider Vegemite to taste somewhere between what the devil craps in the morning and coal tar. It is made from rendered brewers yeast, and is much the same as you would scrape from the bottom of old brewery fermenters.
We Aussies grow up on it, because it has always been considered extremely high in complex B vitamins (B12 etc), and is basically all natural...
Chiceh... you have a tough job.... no one really realizes how difficult it is to walk the fine line of controlling and being a friend. You guys do a fine job.
Gryph... I don't think your thread was closed because of you... I think it was more along the lines of some of the other videos that were posted. I never knew about the Mr. Hand video.... some scary stuff there. Yuck.
Good morning everyone!!!! Hugs all around!!!
Hugs to you too ChinaCat, from both of. BTW, you two too make a beautiful couple

... thankyou
Yep, I would have closed it myself if it had carried on too much longer (if i could). It was meant to make some humour out of something that isn't funny, but I didn't intend for grossness to enter the thread...and some people didn't see the humour in it...maybe they didn't look at the first two videos I posted??

Morning China, I hope the healing is coming along nice for you. It all sounds so painful. As for RIU, I love and respect this place.

I like it here. We've met some beautiful peoples here!

hey, do you guys think im an A-hole?? ive been getting alot of grief lately for arguing/debating certain topics. be honest, you wont hurt my feelings? i like to debate, i enjoy it thouroughly. i think some people just cant handle thier views being challenged/
I've heard some people say some pretty bad things about you SlikWillie, and I'm here to say that I couldn't agree with them more ...
(oops, that was a John McCain moment

I've never seen you post anything offensive bloke. I think you're alright...
I have a feeling a lot of new members are a bit maybe intellectually young...or telling fibs about their age when they sign up. There seem to be a lot of 'ten foot tall and bulletproof' posters about.