Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Good AM. Sleeping like hell, no energy, and feeling blue. Not at all like myself. I'm considering abstaining for a little while again to see if that improves my sleep. But right now I'm going to WnB and then exercise to get the serotonin flowing. When it comes to abstaining from weed it is always better to start tomorrow.

If you would like to advise me not to abstain, I'm OK with that.
I was awake and outside watching the crescent moon rise at 4am. The sky was crystal clear. Went back to bed to be assaulted by random thoughts for a few hours. Blaaaghhh
Grrr. Stupid flies think it's cool to hang out on the leaves of baby plants leaving poop stains. I've murdered them all. Plants are fine, they only have 2 leaves but still. It's a result of home projects disrupting barriers to the outdoors. Gradually getting environmental control back.
Lol I don't think the pillow is gonna make it. So weird our humidity is 50%ish so it's not dry. Gotta stop picking my nose lol ;)

Wearing the seasonal costume of the Upper Midwest: shorts and a warm sweatshirt. Bye bye summer.

Good morning!
Are you kidding? Still a long way to go here in Florida.

My HOA should have replaced my deck 5 months ago but delayed with a different contractor. I'm missing the entire summer without my deck?

I won't talk about my deck anymore after this but it was strong and tall, a deck for a king (or possibly a queen). When rebuilt it will face the sun overlooking a creek and protected area with otters, turtles, fish, too many raccoons, squirrels, an array of birds, and an occassional iguana.

It should be built very soon I am told. The permits have cleared.
Are you kidding? Still a long way to go here in Florida.

My HOA should have replaced my deck 5 months ago but delayed with a different contractor. I'm missing the entire summer without my deck?

I won't talk about my deck anymore after this but it was strong and tall, a deck for a king (or possibly a queen). When rebuilt it will face the sun overlooking a creek and protected area with otters, turtles, fish, too many raccoons, squirrels, an array of birds, and an occassional iguana.

It should be built very soon I am told. The permits have cleared.
We built a deck at the start of the pandemic. What a game changer. We just sat on the ground before, at one with the chiggers and mosquitoes...
Are you kidding? Still a long way to go here in Florida.

My HOA should have replaced my dick 5 months ago but delayed with a different contractor. I'm missing the entire summer without my dick?

I won't talk about my dick anymore after this but it was strong and tall, a dick for a king (or possibly a queen). When rebuilt it will face the sun overlooking a creek and protected area with otters, turtles, fish, too many raccoons, squirrels, an array of birds, and an occassional iguana.

It should be built very soon I am told. The permits have cleared.

I read it this way.....
Are you kidding? Still a long way to go here in Florida.

My HOA should have replaced my deck 5 months ago but delayed with a different contractor. I'm missing the entire summer without my deck?

I won't talk about my deck anymore after this but it was strong and tall, a deck for a king (or possibly a queen). When rebuilt it will face the sun overlooking a creek and protected area with otters, turtles, fish, too many raccoons, squirrels, an array of birds, and an occassional iguana.

It should be built very soon I am told. The permits have cleared.
Sounds like my house. We have deer and wild turkey too.
No iguanas, just a bunch of types of lizards. One of which made my cat really sick.
