Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Had some action at the park!!

First this old woman clamped onto me and was walking with me telling me about her life and Jesus, when 50' in front of us this old guy on a bicycle does a face plant on the blacktop. We get up there and he is bleeding pretty good, and stunned. He said a bee stung him, and caused the crash. He skinned his nose and chin, lost his glasses, and was pretty shook up. He was probably late 60's/early 70's I'd guess. I assured him it wasn't too bad of a wound, and pushed his bike back to his car for him while he kept pressure on the wound, about a half mile away....with the batshit crazy lady tagging along. She was nice actually. Loaded the bike in his carrier and told him to tell his wife he got in a fight :lol: He's gonna be sore tomorrow!!
Have you figured out how to make LSD? A friend wants to know... :roll:

Nah. Not my thing. Molly could be fun, but that's a chemistry set I don't have. That and I do not have any form of lab space, hell I grow plants in a closet, I'm a bit lacking for any free space.

Petri baby?

Only kinda, I was born into the second semester of my mom's Master's program, then she did about 14 years corporate before going back to school, then I finished high school the same year she graduated with her Doctorate and became a full professor. I did coloring books in her graduate biochemistry class, jr. high and early high school homework in her doctoral classes, and spent most of my high school and college career lurking around her academic office for free high speed internet time. All they let us students have was 56k dialup, but she had a 100/1000 lan in her office.

In college I was a "professor's kid" before that I was a "classmate's kid." So not a petri-baby, but might as well be with as much of my life as I spent in University labs.