Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Can I see a pic. I've got a couple books of currencies from around the world. Some from countries that no longer exist.

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Almost four years later and I still haven't go through the box of coins.

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I have stamps from all over that I inherited from my great grandmother in Europe. All from before and during WWII. Pretty cool going through them. You should check out those coins.
Every time I sit down to go through it something else grabs my attention. A lot of them are early euros and US/Canadian coins

80 pounds of black oil sunflower seeds, 10 pounds of suet, and 5 pounds of shelled peanuts.

Damned birds be eating better than me!!

And I bought some new outdoor Christmas lights. Making more work for myself!!
That's why I up my milage at night walking and enjoying my neighbors lights. It's a way to expiate my sin of not participating while showing appreciation for their participation.
When I get done counting later, I'm going to PM you my inventory list. :wink:

A friend of mine is an amazing framing carpenter, can put up walls, stairs and post+beam in record time.
Despises doing the interior trim, takes weeks for him to go back, then he sneaks out at the first opportunity for parts, doesn't come back...Usually have to trick or threaten him back to finish.

--noun (singular: friend; plural: friends)
1.a person you know well and regard with affection and trust.

A conundrum indeed.

I would like to thank Visa for the fraud alert at 6:45 this morning informing that a service I've subscribed to for the last 5 years was declined, because ... reasons and making me wake up and text them 'YES" so they could tell me they screwed up the processing and now I have to contact an online drive hosting company and get them to re-bill me.
