Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

morning everyone....hope everyone stay safe and had some diabolical fun last night......

woke up this morning to a mild 63F, and we had bout a 1/4 of inch of rain last night, high today is gonna be a little cool 73F light wind from the north......

now to attack these taco's (bean and cheese) and get a warm up......statements are coming in, this means the money that came in, must go out....ugh....
18 days......
What's in 18 days? (I figured it out....skiing) :D I need a winter time sport....Like hot cocoa drinking!!

Daylight savings time ends November 6 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :( Maybe for the last time.

I liked the idea of it ending, until I realized it will then be dark in the summer at 7:30 instead of 8:30, and the birds will be chirping at 4:30 in the summer. No thanks to either!!
What's in 18 days? (I figured it out....skiing) :D I need a winter time sport....Like hot cocoa drinking!!

Daylight savings time ends November 6 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :( Maybe for the last time.

I liked the idea of it ending, until I realized it will then be dark in the summer at 7:30 instead of 8:30, and the birds will be chirping at 4:30 in the summer. No thanks to either!!

Cocoa drinking is a great sport. I also enjoy listening to muzak and watching the snow fall while sitting next to the fireplace.
Rainy day, but I am headed to the post office and going to try and get a walk in. My diet has officially begun. I'm at 190lb, which doesn't seem bad, except my normal weight is 160. I'd like to keep it all except for about 10-15 pounds in my gut, but unfortunately weight loss doesn't work that way.

Just put new reflective numbers on my rural route mailbox, on both sides even. A friend gave me the kit for Christmas last year. He asked me a few weeks ago if I didn't like it....No, I'm just a super procrastinator. The old ones were faded and It looks great now!! Especially to the delivery drivers, I'm sure!!

Puffing on my apple fritter hybrid vape....Yummy.