Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Road trip yesterday, to try out the new tires. Went to Ithaca NY, an hour away, a really cool college town, home of Cornell University and Ithaca College. Warm day and the eye candy was stunning!

Decided to see if they had any sticker shops....I found one after searching the internet for a second, and they were really nervous!! They did show me some cartridges.....$50 or 3 for $120. I laughed and told him we are paying $15 for those. Some price difference!!

Then went on a short hike into one of the many waterfalls around Ithaca. People come from all over the world to see this one, which is pretty tame right now as it's been dry. And it's right on Cayuga Lake too, with a bustling little town. Fun day!!




Went to check a town I lived in before and lots of power poles down, barns and shops wrecked. Didn’t go to the worst. Looks like a low grade tornado to me . We’ll know soon. Saw a picture of a funnel on the ground over there. Mostly roofs and trees and almost all roadside signs. No talk of people hurt.