Yawn....good morning w/b'ers...
So, I'm reading just a bit before I post (gasp), and I see a bike trip to Pa. I'm thinking....they do realize that Pa. is rather hilly....

then I realize (of course)...."motorized" bikes

Much much easier.... whew!
Went to a 'stock tip" party last night at my wife's insistence. It seems these are popping up everywhere. One of her friends put it together and told wifey that I must come. I just looked at her and said that is a complete waste of time, but after the doe eyes, I relented. She did happen to mention an open bar

So, I'm there for about twenty minutes shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries when another stock whale cruises in with his wife. I had to chuckle as I could tell he had the very same convo I had before reluctantly going. It was written all over his face. I saunter (I do saunter) over to him grinning and in a quiet voice say, "hey, what's your best stock tip"? he immediately quips back, "I'm not telling, how bout you"?

"I'm not saying either." We both attacked the bar and had a good time. No friggin Campari!!!
stock tip # 42: If you want to make a million dollars in the stock market....start with two.