Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Yeah I saw that sweetest scrog ever . . .

I found mine it was in my trash can, it's the left one of course!;-)

OMG you have made me laugh hard enough that I choked on my Virgils Root Beer, my latest vice.

That tit shot!


Yes, NG, you have a cult [EDIT: no, not CULT!! What a Freudian slip! No, it's CUTE] little man tit. SO CUTE!!

And my scrog is the sweetest ever? Oh, you know what they say about flattery, right? It's either that it'll get you nowhere or everywhere, depending who's doing the talking. So? Uh, on that note. Thanks!

Love your tit shot. SO GLAD IT IS THE LEFT ONE!!! LMAO over and over again.

Too funny.

Hey Hester, I saw that on the headlines about the guy who stole the thieves' van too, and I also thought it was a great idea. I mean, can't you just see yourself in the same situation? You realize you're being robbed, but the idiots leave their van in the driveway, running or with the keys? Your adrenaline would be running, and if you're a daring person, that voice would be screaming at you: DO IT! STEAL THE VAN! WHO CARES WHAT ANYONE SAYS?? JUST DO IT!

Would make for a good Nike ad, right? JUST DO IT!

Just . . . post your tit pic

Just scrog the thing you were going to abort

Just take the van for a little joy ride

11:36 pm my time :eyesmoke: you finish that joint yet tips?

He never offered to share with me.

Who's all here? All the night owls??

HEY! I"ve got a weekend off coming up! SO EXCITED!

I get to:

Redo my tit pic, lmao

Clean up the grow room

Clean all the bathrooms

Maybe go on a road trip

Oh, fun, fun, fun!
Stoney must still be depressed. Stoney get your ass in here and make us laugh!

Cult huh LG? I know nothing of cults :wink:

yeah, I was wondering about Stoney too.

Stoney! Come back and let us know how you are doing, lady bird, okay?

You can grow more plants. Just be glad that they were only newborns when they kicked the bucket, right???

All together now:


Okay, off to try out my new pipe again.

Yes, NG, I know you know nothing of cults. Me neither. Nor do I know anything about photographing one's own tit. :hump:

OPINIONS SOUGHT: Should I dump my signature now??