Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I can relate to that. I went to bed at 9 last night, totally burnt out, lol. :mrgreen:bongsmilie
Yea my mind is Mush , Yesterday I drew out 2 0f the 6 plans needed for our addition, I just did the HVAC plans and I did the structure and electric yesterday, Just have plumbing, elevations, and a few odds and ends .. I'll prob be sleeping again early today , my schedule is all messed up now.


Well-Known Member

Nah, he just doesn't like me anymore.:cry:

Tips didn't have an off switch!
I like you enough for everyone........... ;-)
He's turning them into hamburger!
Medium rare please...................... Moooooo......... :bigjoint:

and yet they're still not as tasty as hot riu chicks.:hump:

Early To bed Early To rise

Morning folks .. Its almost 3:30 am

who wants to hit this Bowl?

Good God man.... up early.....

Good morning all. Yes it is very early. bongsmilie:mrgreen:
You too..........

Good morning, it's supposed to be near 60F here today. :clap:

critters are fed, it's time to smoke out........ bongsmilie
Morning miss....... ;-)


New Member
My plan for the day is to ride this afternoon. Other than that, I have nothing happening.

Family is still in bed, animals have full bellys and are napping. I love "me" time.


Well-Known Member
Twisty :hug: ... bongsmilie
How's M'Lady today..... I'm all happy... checked the babies and those little leaves that grow at 45 degree angle to main ones are starting.....
Love it when looking from overhead they go from this... +.. to this..... *

Im Just messing with you .. Im the one who is messed up ,, I gotta get back on track ,, But these drawings got me batty ,, but its all working out

The #'s dont lie
Lots of re adjusting and change when designing your own... bongsmilie
Good that its working out though.......


New Member
Oh Twisty, I had to commit a homocide last night. My skunk x Northern Lights grew balls. Balls like you'd see under a male elephant. I didn't know the gender yet and was really hoping for a female, but instead.....chop chop.

The silver lining is, my cabinets were getting really crowded so that made me able to ditch one from flower, and its clone from veg.


Well-Known Member
I'm back up, I needed a couple more hours. Spring is coming for sure, I'm like a Bear I hibernate in the Winter but for some reason as soon as spring comes around I'm up early.

Coffee is on and Vape is hot! :mrgreen: