Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...
I could of used the douche advice about 6 months ago! I never knew that one, I am keeping that one in my memory bank. It took a week to get that smell off of my dog, terrible. I did the tomato juice, it did not work for me..The dog smelled like a tomato drinking skunk, lol. I never would of thought of a douche! Good one!!:clap:
If it has any V JJ applications you can bet your life vettes scouted it out.........

at the least.......... :eyesmoke:

Woo Hoo...... China.... LAB TEST....... :mrgreen:

Hey Sunny, :hug: I finally got all that damn raking and yard cleaning done. I got a slight sunburn on my face yesterday even.
How are my girls this morning.......... bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ahhh Miss, good for you! I am still not done, but, I should be by today or tomorrow. It feels good, that is why I like yardwork, you can see what a nice change you have made. Very rewarding, indeed.

Lets Bake!bongsmiliebongsmilie

Morning Twisty (and all):hug:


Well-Known Member
Morning everyone...
I could of used the douche advice about 6 months ago! I never knew that one, I am keeping that one in my memory bank. It took a week to get that smell off of my dog, terrible. I did the tomato juice, it did not work for me..The dog smelled like a tomato drinking skunk, lol. I never would of thought of a douche! Good one!!:clap:
When My old dog Sammy (RIP) Got sprayed the 1st time I did the Tomato juice thing ,,It did not work ,, So I went to the pet store and bought a 1/2 gallon of skunk odor remover ,It was like $12 . AFTER I bought it the girl behind the counter said Do you know Douche does the same thing ? I said No i did not know .. She said look at the contents label and compare to a douche ,, So I Did ,, wouldent you know .It was the same .. so the next time Sammy got sprayed I used douche .It worked instantly .. Been using it every time since


New Member
I'm in.... bongsmilie

Twisty... :hug:

Dude ... :hug:

if I missed anyone... :hug:

I only have the raking and cleaning done so far Sunny, I haven't even started in on the digging, moving and planting segment of spring yet.

I have lambsear and my hubby hates it. I told him yesterday that I was getting rid of it to put my potato project in that spot, you should have seen him smile. I don't know why he dislikes the lambsear so much, it soft and fuzzy looking.


Well-Known Member
Vette this tip you gave us will definitely be saved in my memory!! I had no idea, I ended up going and buying stuff from my vet. It was expensive, but, it worked. If there is a next time I will be buying douches, fo sho!

Miss, I have lambsear, I like it. I also have Christmas Cactus, that stuff went crazy on me. I put in a 4 ft. tree of it 2 years ago, and now it is 10 ft.+ and huge huge, but it is cool. I also like the 'pitcher' plants. I do like to garden.:)


New Member
I'm thinking about chopping on my roses of death. I need to cut them before the birds start building nests in there. The canes are over 14 feet long with thorns over an inch long. I want to cut them completely back this year and let them start over. I'm glad I have welding gloves to use.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about chopping on my roses of death. I need to cut them before the birds start building nests in there. The canes are over 14 feet long with thorns over an inch long. I want to cut them completely back this year and let them start over. I'm glad I have welding gloves to use.
I have blaze and they are hardy as hell. Every 2 years I cut them all the way back and let them start over. They come back more beautiful then before. I do the same, I use my honeys welding gloves! I also use those gloves on some of my cussing, violent birds too!:mrgreen:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i've babbied a yellow hibiscus for the last two years ,this year i cut it down to under three inches from the ground the new sprouts look great


Well-Known Member
Ohhh a tractor, I think your tractor's sexy. :mrgreen:


I planted part of China's flower garden yesterday ( indoors of course to start)

Russell Hybrids mix
Hollyhock Summer Carnival mix
Black Eyed Susans
Shasta Daisy's
And a few mixed packs .. Thats just the start ..I'm Planning on over 2000 flowers in the yard


Well-Known Member
I love Black Eyed Susans (Marylands State Flower) They make a home look so country and elegant....I also like Shasta daisys, they are very pretty.


Well-Known Member
Off topic....Is anyone going to use the government program to refi your house? I think I am going to look into it. My brother just did it and saved $300 a month....I hope I qualify.