Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


No clouds and a provocative 69° today......it's going to be nice. Guess I better do more yard work. Turned over the one garden bed yesterday....,.it's still frozen 7"-8" down in most places. Should be really dry till Sunday hopefully it's going to stay dry for now. I know it's not what everyone else wants and we've even had some fires but I need it dry now.

Hope you all have a great day.
Lmao!!! I hope you don't mind @DarkWeb ....my wife saw it and lost her shit lol...had to "borrow".
It's a ghost town here today, eerily quiet! Yonge Street is usually packed with cars and people.

A bit depressing to see this is the state of your area. I went there once for a new years eve show for a Toronto based band called "the new deal". It was actually a very interesting and seemingly cultural city (from the one night of partying i spent there). I electively live in the middle of nowhere and rarely see other people aside from a handful of close friends/family even before this last year, but this has gotten extreme and its a different experience entirely when the isolation is forced. I used to attend at least monthly, if not weekly, live or djed music events, been a solid year now, so ive been relegated to online music events (definitely helps and is an interesting substitute). Good thing plant and human diseases are non-communicable.
A bit depressing to see this is the state of your area. I went there once for a new years eve show for a Toronto based band called "the new deal". It was actually a very interesting and seemingly cultural city (from the one night of partying i spent there). I electively live in the middle of nowhere and rarely see other people aside from a handful of close friends/family even before this last year, but this has gotten extreme and its a different experience entirely when the isolation is forced. I used to attend at least monthly, if not weekly, live or djed music events, been a solid year now, so ive been relegated to online music events (definitely helps and is an interesting substitute). Good thing plant and human diseases are non-communicable.

I have sabotage the system on my workout playlist :D I hope you're not alone living in the middle of nowhere.

It's so different here than almost any part of Canada and culturally diverse. We have Chinatown, Greektown, Koreatown, Portugal Village, LIttle India, Little Poland and Little Malta. Even the road signs in those neighborhoods are in their respective language. We used to have some of the best authentic restaurants in the country, but that industry has been decimated by covid. Who knows what will be left when the city opens again. I love bringing people here for their first time and showing off the city.


I snapped this picture of the 401 highway during rush hour last March. It's the busiest highway in North America and normally looks like the second pic during rush hour.

IMG_0775 (2).jpeg


Have you seen the Rolling Stones Living in a Ghost Town video? It's filmed in London, LA, Toronto, Kyoto, Cape Town, and Oslo during the lockdown. So weird to see all these huge cities virtually empty.

haha well i have a dog, she's pretty intelligent so better than some of my past roommates. I went through a typically not nice separation, which resulted in my soon to be 5 year old living with me half the year, beginning in about a month. Without being too melodramatic it's bizarre to go through the dichotomy, from being totally depended on to being completely independent. Creates some pretty obvious issues, also benefits, I have time to focus on business, gardening, etc. My little one has grown up on a huge old farm and is pretty excited about planting various crops and then reaping things in the fall. Not the stones best imo, buuut now ya got me in the stones mood, exile is going on. :eyesmoke:
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It's a ghost town here today, eerily quiet! Yonge Street is usually packed with cars and people.

I'm sorry. This sucks! How long are they expecting this one to last...Do they say yet? I see you can leave to exercise at least, so bike rides, parks maybe? Hopefully if they roll the vaccine out soon they could have things a lot better in 30 days one would think.

It does have to be really hard to see your neighbors having fun. Well have as much fun as possible, smoke your brains out, enjoy the sun and hope for the best!
haha well i have a dog, she's pretty intelligent so better than some of my past roommates. I went through a typically not nice separation, which resulted in my soon to be 5 year old living with me half the year, beginning in about a month. Without being too melodramatic it's bizarre to go through the dichotomy, from being totally depended on to being completely independent. Creates some pretty obvious issues, also benefits, I have time to focus on business, gardening, etc. My little one has grown up on a huge old farm and is pretty excited about planting various crops and then reaping things in the fall. Not the stones best imo, buuut now ya got me in the stones mood, exile is going on. :eyesmoke:

That must be really hard on you. :( I hate being alone for more than a day even with a dog. At least you have the internet and us clowns to talk to.

I'm sorry. This sucks! How long are they expecting this one to last...Do they say yet? I see you can leave to exercise at least, so bike rides, parks maybe? Hopefully if they roll the vaccine out soon they could have things a lot better in 30 days one would think.

It does have to be really hard to see your neighbors having fun. Well have as much fun as possible, smoke your brains out, enjoy the sun and hope for the best!

The stay at home order is for four weeks. They closed all gyms in November for four weeks too... and they're still closed lol Lying liars who lie! Personally I have no plans on staying home 100% of the time. Doing my own thing I haven't gotten sick nor made anyone else sick. I was at the beach this afternoon and went by the bike trails to see if the mud has dried up yet. The city has them roped off and a sign threatening fines if you use them. :finger: I know of a few unsanctioned trails that I may check out tomorrow.