Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Anyone else out there wish that more people would grow out some heady sativas? It is slim pickins these days out here on the north east coast. Smokin on some "sunset sherbet" which they classified as a 60% sativa and im couchlocked like a mofo.

My little tent doesn't have room for 13 foot thai but the world truly needs it.

also the quotes are because I come from cali and it was definitely not sherbs lol.
i let my hair get down past my shoulder blades before it got to me and i had to get a haircut. for me, it's mostly the inane conversation, and my very very bad judgement of the passing of time... i'm not sure if it's that it actually seems slower to me than most other people, or if i've just always been insanely impatient...15 minutes in a dr.'s office seems like at least an hour to me, and 20 minutes in a barber shop listening to old man bullshit seems like i'm going to fucking die before it's my turn...
last time i went i told the barber "If i die while im waiting, go ahead and cut my hair so i look good in the coffin...guess you don't have to worry about the back."....
My husband who rocks a military high and tight just let his hair grow. In a little more than one lousy year his hair is much longer than mine (2" below the shoulders on mine)
Damn, I was hoping for the other spelling of morels ;)
Good morning

They're diminishing every day too.

I just realized I was pages back and gave up reading. I'm getting my hair done for the first time since March of 2020. I absolutely hate being touched and I hate cold glop and I hate inane conversation and I hate the smells. It's going to be a long 2 hours LOL

:( It'll be worth it when it's done. I'm jealous, last time for me was July.

I'm considering going full Britney.
Sometimes it works better if they put a protective crown over it so it's not vulnerable to shearing forces.
Dr. said easy fix, and I complained about another spot where meat has been getting stuck and he said another easy fix, I go in next week for both of them. I was happy to hear no crown.

BUT, I also just got an email from my insurance yesterday saying June 1st I will have dental and vision added to my BC/BS plan...I wrote them back and said "I think you have the wrong person"...and they wrote back and said no, YOU are getting it added on for free, letter to follow. OK...we shall see. I need new glasses and an eye exam too.

Just glad I don't need a 2-3k crown right now!!