Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I saw that...A friend use to make a version and it was like 2 cans of fruit salad drained and a tub of cool whip stirred together, maybe some walnuts and it was great on a hot day, boating, all stoned. Very simple.
That was the "Crack" of my youth.

My Mom still makes it and saves a portion for me.
Love U Mom animated emoticon
Well shit,l I just scanned the fair website and there is no mention of caramel apples or cotton candy. How can they call that a fair?? I hope it's a mere oversite! Hmmmm, to make the 5 minute drive or not, lol....

The only good thing is I'd burn off some of the sugar with all the walking, and it might be crowded as it's like the ONLY town fair this year...Normally there's over a dozen. And there's an airshow tomorrow & Sunday. They are charging $65 a car load minimum, and for that you get a 20 x 20 plot of field to park on and use lawn chairs. It sounds really pathetic. And they are closing all the side roads so unless you have a 4 wheeler, no free shows!

Of course it's gonna get rained out anyways, so....

I think it has been about 12 years, so yep....I'm sure I'm due!

I love it, 7/10 :lol: Yes the Evolves are much more conserving than a dab rig....and you can't take a dab rig everywhere. I love my Evolves!! Note the lanyard for those really high times...and look, it's noon. Actually my 11 am appt. got me baked on oil so lalala

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I'm worried about the rivers flooding here. My buddy who trims for me owns a house in the 500 year flood zone, and I am pushing him to sell it now. Between the way the economy is, and the way the weather is going, it's time to sell. We are listing it next month!!

I blame you Fredo; for my 4 o'clock it's Friday, fuck its!

Thanks bro! :hug:

Just smoked a bowl and took 2 fat dabs from the evolve. Almost puked off that 2nd one! I think I need another. :D

And all of a sudden I feel revitalized and I want to get back on the computer. Lol. I'm definitely some kind of stupid.

Nope music is getting cranked up and I'm gonna go spend some time with mamashark

My mom made a version. Apples, oranges, pears, grapes and some sweetened shredded coconut. It wasn't terrible.
That was usually a dish the aunts that couldnt cook would bring on holidays. Ill have another slice of ham and scalloped potatoes please. Made a 12 layered scalloped potatoe with good cheese one year.... FOOD! Ill have a wild, oven roasted butter basted ruffed grouse with wild rice. Best tasting white meat. Better than chicken. Belly only had prarie seed and rose buds. Fresh.