Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Yes, I agree. They wouldn't even see me until I have the bloodwork though, which is kind of ridiculous.
Much of what they recommend is based on your Cobalt/Chromium levels. It's saving you money and them time not to do two examinations. I assume you are known MoM (metal on metal) and it's older DePuy tech. That's why I suggested the MARS-MRI first too.
Thank you.

Ok I ordered enough, two dispensaries. One is a drive thru. You can’t beat that.

I bought her her own weed for the come down. I lost her bag last night! Damnit I don’t share my favorite Bubba lol jk or am I?

Wonder where I can get a welcome home banner?
She won't be off quarantine until Thursday. So you have plenty of time to arrange a banner. My doctor, and friend, just died from Covid. She was immunocompromised. So I'd rather not lose you too. A few days can save a lifetime of sorrow.
Much of what they recommend is based on your Cobalt/Chromium levels. It's saving you money and them time not to do two examinations. I assume you are known MoM (metal on metal) and it's older DePuy tech. That's why I suggested the MARS-MRI first too.
I have the Birmingham hip resurfacings...also well known for failure and many of them are recalled. I am in the "Moderate risk group: 3.0−10.0 ng/mL" or I have been ever since they put them in.

The surgeon said "don't worry, once they break-in the levels will drop". The opposite has happened. Every yearly test is a little higher than the last....and I pointed this out to him. I have not seen the surgeon in 2+ years...he slyly dropped me like a hot potato.