Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

His was black with bucket seats (after market buckets I think, no console) I think it might have had cragers on it. Airshocks. It was a cool car. Looking back I wish we'd have got freaky in it at least once.
I would rather eat dirt than shake hands:)

Poor baby.
me too....I got a flu shot 6 or 7 years ago and it liked to killed me..no more.

Nobody likes to shake my hands because I have hyperhydrosis.In the winter, I can go outside and my hands steam.
:shock: I don't like shaking hands either. I don't like people touching me at all. I hate the dentist. Other people putting their hands in my mouth is way beyond my tolerance limit.
me too....I got a flu shot 6 or 7 years ago and it liked to killed me..no more.

Lots of people are adversely affected by flu shots. This years and next years shots are particularly dangerous. The bird flu vaccine can't be grown in eggs. They use gene splicing to create the vaccine. The odds of producing a novel pandemic strain of influenza by using gene splicing are statistically large. This is the most dangerous time in human history.:wall: I am not merely ranting here:)
Yeah, because we've weakened ourselves with too many unnecessary vaccines and we're afraid of every little speck of dirt out there.:-|
Lots of people are adversely affected by flu shots. This years and next years shots are particularly dangerous. The bird flu vaccine can't be grown in eggs. they use gene splicing to create the vaccine. The odds of producing a novel pandemic strain of influenza by using gene splicing are statistically large. This is the most dangerous time in human history.:wall: