
America is under attack, by the russian federation, in our Trust Faith and Beliefs on our American Republic and our democratic institutions, and our Political leadership in the majority party are complicit in it and are not defending our Country and they are unfaithful to our Constitutions and oath of the Office.

Sad, what is it going to take to see that for some.
America is under attack, by the russian federation, in our Trust Faith and Beliefs on our American Republic and our democratic institutions, and our Political leadership in the majority party are complicit in it and are not defending our Country and they are unfaithful to our Constitutions and oath of the Office.

Sad, what is it going to take to see that for some.

More Democrat fake news and lies.

More Democrat fake news and lies.

For you info, I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I am an American, and My voting Choice it all up to the candidate Running for the Position, Policies and Such. and I just happened to Vote For Hillary this time, Because she was the best Choice for the Office in the last Election, and should have won, but the Russians put the brakes on that. Or at least Helped....
I have no agenda either way if a person running says and do the right things they get my vote. Matter of fact maybe we should make sure those who run Can't put the R or D and then let's see how that fairs.

But I do have to say, none of what I said is Fake News, It's the Truth and the sooner People understand what is happening in our Highest Office in the nation the better we will all be. Just stand up to bullies and crooks.

Trump is only helping himself and his billionaire buddies, I hope you all can get over the B.S, and realize he is going to ruin our Country, before it's too late. Guess where all those Corp. tax breaks are going ? Not to workers or anyone else. Their putting it back into stocks and buybacks. How does that help You ?
Trickle Down didn't work back in the 60s,70s,80s and what makes you think it will now ?

It's Okay to Change your mind many have and continue too. I surely won't hold that against anyone if they do. Hopefully they do. But like I said it is your choice, But if you chose trump I just think it's a bad one.

My voting Choice it all up to the candidate Running for the Position, Policies and Such. and I just happened to Vote For Hillary this time, Because she was the best Choice for the Office in the last Election, and should have won, but the Russians put the brakes on that.

