walmart nutes


Well-Known Member
Suggestion on Walmart nutes not trying to buy exspensive shit for 1 month of veg. So what the best from wally

El Flamo

I'm a HUGE fan of miracle grow tomato food, go lite on it though 1 ~ 2 tablespoons per 5 gallon once every 10 ~ 14 days; stuff is gippo cheap


Active Member
i would say go with the alaska. ive witnessed a guy use it for quite a few years now as I ran more popular ferts like fox farm and botanicaire. he always had pretty fair results considering the little bit of money he put into his plants. its like anything else in this world you get out what you put in... I used miracle grow when i first started. soil and nutrient cant complain about it one bit. it was some of my best yields to this day really. just the quality and taste wasn't there. switched to the latter and it improved now this year im going completely organic so hoping it will get even better. :)


Well-Known Member
i us both of them there pretty good. gotta watch the fish outside aniamls like that stuff


Well-Known Member
Ive been using miracle grow all purpose @ 1/2tbsp per gallon once a works great, used it last year also. Switch to MG blossom booster during flowering.

here is a pic of my current outdoor grow, They are growing great.



Well-Known Member
I've used Schultz All Purpose for $4 at the hardware store and it seemed to work well. It's the one that comes with the dropper attached to the lid.


Well-Known Member
pretty much anything you buy at walmart goes by the same rule, its from wal mart, its cheaper, its cheaper for a reason...why spend 10 bucks on lower grade stuff when you can spend 30 and get a whole regimen of better (imo) stuff with a little bottle of clone powder included even, in the technaflora starter kit!!! going organic? same price for the general organics go box


Well-Known Member
If you really want to save money, get away from these forums, and get involved with your local community garden or visit real organic farming sites like GardenWeb and Permies. I know growers who don't use any fertilizer, water only once a season, and build beds that can feed for over 20 years without adding anything. Its called permaculture or hugelkultur. Its crazy popular among organic gardeners, but no one in the cannabis forums are talking about it because they don't know anything about it.

If you really think about it, RIU's Organic and Outdoor section, is a complete joke. Its all about high end guanos, fancy teas, molasses, and growing on someone else's land. Hardly anyone is talking about how to build a compost bin or rotate crops. Once in a while someone chimes in about a worm bin, but that's about it. Everyone is so on this gotta have the best for cannabis that they completely miss out on what organics and sustainability is really all about.


Well-Known Member
Looks like wal mart is trying to turn itself into an ebay or amazon type deal. They have 3rd party sellers on their website.