Wanna do it right the first time


It looks like a great tent from what I've read. Can you get them in US? I cant find anywhere?

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Well-Known Member
I honestly couldn't say. I'm pretty sure they mad in Birmingham uk though. I dunno what shipping would cost, or even if that's the sort of thing you'd want customs to open up and look at. Even if it is just a collapsible 'wardrobe' ;)


Thanks growan, I shot an email to them. In the event, I'm researching what material I could use to make sure i don't have any warpage in the bitter hot and really cold weather we have. That would get me the most room. I can afford what I need to so I can avoid any issues. I've been saving a long time for this. Bad picture but it's the floor and one side of the attic

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Well-Known Member
I don't know if GRP sheets would be better, it's what they build somd lorry bodies and things like burger trailers out of. It's marine ply but with some sort of formica/plastic stuff bonded to the outside. Very strong quite expensive.
Maybe you could insulate, build with ply wood, ands then use sheets of fibreglass and brushable resin to seal the space. I just had the roof of a very leaky horse box repaired that way. It's 'rowing boat' technology, so it's gonna be water/damp proof. Messy and nasty to do though.
What about Sealing all the joints with quality silicon in a tube, then painting the walls and floor with swimming pool paint? It's thick, would fill up all the seams that the silicon didn't get, and I'm sure it comes in white. If it stops water in a pool getting to the concrete structure, a little humidity in a room even spilt resevoirs shouldn't be a problem.


Well-Known Member
Thanks growan, I shot an email to them. In the event, I'm researching what material I could use to make sure i don't have any warpage in the bitter hot and really cold weather we have. That would get me the most room. I can afford what I need to so I can avoid any issues. I've been saving a long time for this. Bad picture but it's the floor and one side of the attic

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Picture's not showing up?


Guess this picture attachment thing doesn't want to cooperate. Seems pretty simple to hit the camera grab a file, attach it, hit submit and poof, magic he sees it. ?? So here's the latest in my quest to get it as right as I can. I just finished bracing the floor and a bit more in the back of the room for possible water weight. Thoughts are plywood on the inside forming the apex and insulation behind them facing the attic area. And then I found refectix insulation that you roll out. I'll literally seal the room with what you suggested and then cover every nook and cranny with reflectix. Lots of people are using it for both insulation and they say it has great reflective capabilities. Big long detailed conversations by people who sure made it seem like they knew what they were talking about saying this stuff is great and affordable. So there for that.. pulling an eight inch 30' filtered and insulated inlet from the house for supplement heat and air. We keep our house at an average of 70° so I'll have to have a heater on a thermostat to help raise it another 10-15 degrees because I'm going led so I can better control heat and potentially cause less stress. Then for exhaust, I'm going with eight inch exhaust that's shooting out the top of my roof ten feet from room. I'll put a scrubber on it and use ona in the room. What I really want to do is split my exhaust, keep the exhaust fan outside the room and run two insulated hoses one on each end of the top of the apex ,(I'll leave two feet before it comes to a point. That should be eight feet tall) and have them connect to two round grilles inside the room on the apex ceiling one on each side so that way exhaust is grabbed at multiple points. I think I still have to have a passive filtered intake don't I? I would like to get air conditioning vented into the room using a grille like affair. But thats a few more bongs later. Gonna start next week once we clean out the disaster previously called the attic. Nice chatting

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Well-Known Member
Wordy, but literate. Reading you loud and clear!

I think you'll only need to worry about the passive intake needing a scrubber if the exhaust isn't drawing hard enough to create negative pressure in the room. My understanding is neg pressure= no stink leak from passive intake. I don't see any reason not to have a carbon filter inside the room on the intake to be sure. They work both ways, ie suck or blow end of the ducting.

I like the shutting off the apex idea, exactly what i'd considered in my potential room location if i've understood right. Just think about potential mould/damp where you can't see it in that duct space. Ie make sure it's lined or treated and nothing like bare plasterboard!

Sounds like you've got a hell of a room coming on. I'm gonna need to see pictures. Throughout. Not just finished room, that would be a tease!


Well-Known Member
Pictures are a pain using a phone, maybe if you're using the rui app, instead open the forum in a browser like opera or chrome and try it from there. I only post from my android, but always use the desktop site through the opera browser


Count on it, I'm going to make sure I keep a picture journal for myself as well. The room is in the stage of total mess now.
I'm thinking maybe two passive intakes with scrubbers (good idea) one on each side to alternate sides because my exhaust will be two vents dead in the center on top pulling from the alternate sides then.
I'm going to take my time and do it right... I've been thinking about the dirt and dust up there but we had some gardening crap on the other side that got all over and created a mess. I'm going to spend a lot of time cleaning and wiping down before planting and fortunately the room side was clean dust. :-)

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Just heard from them and they don't ship here. Too bad cause it was a great idea!! I'm full speed ahead on my dyi

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Well-Known Member
I think you'll get a better ebd result by thinking it through 100 times (loosing much sleep over it?!.) And building yourself. Tents are quick, easy and relatively cheap. The pay off is they ain't perfect. I;m looking forward to seeing your space come together.


I'm a couple days from building walls and I cant wait! I wish I put this much energy into college. :-) how's your room coming?

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Well-Known Member
Sheathing is the plywood that your shingles are nailed to (assuming shingled roof). Im really not in the mood, but I could go and take a picture of mine. Many sheets are covered in mold and need to be replaced. This was from previous owner and inadequate ventilation.

I'm not a contractor or hvac tech by any means but, the design of a modern attic is to insulate the ceiling of the house like crazy to keep heat escaping to the attic. The attic through ridge and soffit vents is supposed to suck outside air in and push air out.

The goal is to have your attic somewhat near outside conditions. When you heat up an area in cold, condensation occurs. The RH will skyrocket and mold WILL come shortly thereafter.

- Jiji


Thanks for the response and no pics needed, I believe you. So was the key inadequate ventilation?? I'm going thru a great deal of insulating inside of the sealed room and outside of the room itself to do my best to avoid that. It's like a.c. right foot tall apex in the middle of the attic that has a whole bunch of insulation wrapped around it. I'm even putting my door in the side do it looks like a big triangle room I'm using for important files from a previous business. Anyway, I'm rambling bit I'm into it! , Maybe the extra precautions might help?

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yup jiji is right. but attics can be used to grow if you do it right. the key is you have to have vented soffit and vented ridge cap. and you put this under the sheathing to allow air to circulate through.and then lay insulation in over that. [video=youtube;5DX25Vz2jDc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DX25Vz2jDc[/video]