wanna see some good molly?

"and never wake up"

Most people AIM for K-holes (such as myself, where I fly through k-space) The reason you never hallucinated from it is because you never came CLOSE to a k-hole. Ketamine is quite easy to hallucinate off of (trust me, it's almost impossible for me to have OEVS or CEVS from psychedelics usually, but dissociatives are a bit more dissociating ;) ) K-holes are safe, TRUST me. Do you really think people would do a drug so dangerous you die right away if you start tripping too hard?!?!
Stop listening to "your friends" and research things like this at LEAST on erowid to confirm what your friends are telling you. As they are telling you horror stories that are designed to scare people into not doing more (I guess it really worked in this case, haha)

... and the wise preacher opens his mouth and speaks about the holy gospel of k-holes :lol:

Sniff 100mg's in each nostril and I bet you'll reach the k-hole very, very fast! Enough about being a pussy and inhaling those 20mg baby lines... if you want to get knocked out, get knocked out... how me and Haddaway do ;)
Yup ... or just fuck the weights and measures all together ... do a huge bump ... and wait for reality to start dissolving .... as soon as this process starts .... do another bump ... but hurry as your hands will dissipate shortly. ;)
Yo NDA who is Haddaway ??
Yup ... or just fuck the weights and measures all together ... do a huge bump ... and wait for reality to start dissolving .... as soon as this process starts .... do another bump ... but hurry as your hands will dissipate shortly. ;)
Yo NDA who is Haddaway ??

Let reality melt, yes!

Haddaway is one of the great forum members on here :)
The thing with K is that you should do a little less than this girl did: http://www.talkingdrugs.org/hong-kong-girl-dies-after-ketamine-snorting-contest

Hong Kong always tends to conduct outrageous contest :lol:

Dude and by far that fucking video looks so bogus... that line was probably over 2000mg's... she would of fell on the floor within 2 minutes of insufflation... then afterwards she stands up... fucking right! How hate how publicity throws a smoke screen over everything!
LOL , love the Chinese, NDA wanna go to Hong Kong and challenge them ?
(I don't think that is K in the video ... no way she would be able to do 1/10 of that line of the real deal)

This is how we do it where I am from !


Thanks for the intel on Haddaway ... doing a data wake on
him as we speak ... as I always look for greatness and insight.
LOL , love the Chinese, NDA wanna go to Hong Kong and challenge them ?
(I don't think that is K in the video ... no way she would be able to do 1/10 of that line of the real deal)

This is how we do it where I am from !

View attachment 1108363

Thanks for the intel on Haddaway ... doing a data wake on
him as we speak ... as I always look for greatness and insight.

haha thats how i do my lines
Yo florida/NDA ... clear your PM's cause I can't reach you .... come to my movie night ... I would love to have you as my personal guests, been saving you seats in the first row .... HERE

Her name is Molly .... well at least that's what I call her ! ;)

this thread deserves a bump...
