Stick with one strain---easy to maintain and feed----personal recommendation is the sweet god----short, fast growth with very good yield-----run your veg cycle 2 weeks longer for max weight-even with the extra two weeks you will finish under 65 days in flowering.i want big yield, but fantastic quality. i've learned on bag seed, but now i need to grow some good stuff. i need it to pruduce fast and stay low. i have thought of lowrider kush ak-47, sweet tooth, sweetgod, the purps, grapefruit diesel. what is best w/ 1000 w hps, hydroton, power flower in a bubbler tray?
The T5's are not going to get you through flowering and since you will be running such big trees the 600 wont do it either(you would need 16+ units anyway) it would be a minimum and you would probably see some running(airy buds) but you could get away with 8 1000's---to save you a pile of cash I would get a HID FOOTPRINT, that would allow you to split the room into 2 12 hour cycles and you would only have to purchase half as many ballasts as lights usedI want to know how to get the biggest yield out of 24 plants in a space 18'X18' with 12 T5 high output 8 bulb at about 2-3'' away from the plants.I will have either blueberry or mango clones and a max of two months veg.The nutrients I will be using will be Advanced sensi grow,conniseur bloom,and the rest of the nurients advanced has.15-25 gallon buckets with spaghnum peat moss?any help please
I want to save all my growing buddies some major cash so here's the deal on this so called----Block-IR film that some hydro companies and a lot of retailers are pushing on us for as much as $400.00 a roll. The stuff does work very well but it wasn't designed by a hydro company or growers for the purpose of blocking IR. It was designed as a radiant heat barrier for attics(insulation) under the brand name "REFLECTIX". You can readily pick the stuff up at LOWES/HOMEDEPOT/TRUEVALUE for 1/4 the price of what even the cheapest Internet sites sell it for. I picked mine up on sale at LOWES for 19.95 a roll(4'x25' roll, the same stuff Discount Hydroponics sells for 79.95). I did a good size room floor to ceiling for under 160.00(8rolls 4'x25'). spread the news!!!-----tell them DR. VonDankenstine sent ya.It doesn't jam any signal. It is a material similar to mylar that blocks the heat from being seen on IR cameras. There would be none to small heat signatures by using the material, so it is doubtful that they would be able to detect that you are using anything to block it. It doesn't operate like a radar detector for your car. Oh, and here is a link to where you can get some.
Discount Hydroponics - Block-IR
+reps for you. I am going to go to my local Lowes today and pick some of this up.I want to save all my growing buddies some major cash so here's the deal on this so called----Block-IR film that some hydro companies and a lot of retailers are pushing on us for as much as $400.00 a roll. The stuff does work very well but it wasn't designed by a hydro company or growers for the purpose of blocking IR. It was designed as a radiant heat barrier for attics(insulation) under the brand name "REFLECTIX". You can readily pick the stuff up at LOWES/HOMEDEPOT/TRUEVALUE for 1/4 the price of what even the cheapest Internet sites sell it for. I picked mine up on sale at LOWES for 19.95 a roll(4'x25' roll, the same stuff Discount Hydroponics sells for 79.95). I did a good size room floor to ceiling for under 160.00(8rolls 4'x25'). spread the news!!!-----tell them DR. VonDankenstine sent ya.
Hahaha. And hardly any buds to smoke either. How many times do you have to tell people that LEDs are terrible grow lights for mj. You would need a ridicules amount of LEDs before you even come close to getting the same yields as even a 250w hps.get an UFO LED light heat signature - problem solved
Then I will go with the Hortilux 1000's it wont be the first time.I just wanted to try and avoid the IR cameras.The cops just keep busting people down here,150 houses in one day.
"It can cost more than $4,000 a pound and hard-to-detect indoor operations can produce four harvests a year."
"Authorities said there's an epidemic of indoor marijuana cultivation in Florida run by organized crime groups."
i'm seeing hard to detect. i'm seeing "organized crime". what i'm not seeing is heat seeking helicopters.YouTube - Psycho complains to city about "rogue helicopter pilot"
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