Want OrangeBud? Try Critical Sensi Star!


Well-Known Member
Just finished a grow that used up some of the Attitude freebies I'd accumulated. I FIM'd all 4 of the seedlings at 3 weeks in dirt
and noticed that one, Critical Sensi Star from Delicious Seeds, had a nice bushy phenotype. So on a whim I took one clone from
her as she was tossed into the flowering room. At 5 1/2 weeks in dirt she was just 16 inches, but as dense as a basketball. She
stayed short and bushy in the 7-quart pot and finished at just 32 inches. I harvested her at 5 1/2 weeks flowering as I had brown
pistils and milky tris. Just the way I like them. As the product dried the most wonderful thing happened - the drier the bud got the
oranger it became. After drying out I got beautiful, large chunky nugs that are as impressive in the pipe as in the jar. Yield was
strong, 38 grams, for a hot, fast grow in a small pot.

BONUS - the CSS clone rooted strongly at day 7 in the dome. The clone was hardy and very fast growing. Same pheno, short, bushy
with lots of nugs, as mom.

BONUS II - After harvest I threw the mother back into the veg room to try a re-grow. After 2 weeks re-vegging there is tons of new
growth on what will obviously be a successful re-grow.

Fast growing, efficiently shaped and outstanding in jar and pipe. With the cloning and re-growing ease this is surely a variety to check out.

BigSteve - experienced, mid-size grower with absolutely no reason to shill any product.

I'm really impressed with this one and would be interested in hearing from any other CSS fans.
I've heard that anything crossed with critical mass is pretty much a good yielder, sounds like another good one! No pics of the crop for us? I've got a critical jack I just started I'm hoping turns out to be a beast.
I have been running CSS from Delicious for around 6 months and she is great. I have the critical leaning pheno. I also run their Critical Kali Mist, Critical SSH, and their Black Sugar Rose (critical x black domina). Love their gear!

This is one of 4 that are at day 33

This one was shot at day 43

Dried and cured CSS

Those are super orange, reminds me of the stuff we used to get up in NY we called Beasters. Looked just like that.
I've got a Critical Jack going that has been in dirt 3 weeks. Real nice looking phenotype that is short and super-bushy.
So dense you can't see through the plant though just a few weeks old. She looks like a basketball sawed in half. At
12 inches she is shorter than her 3-week agemates, but the bushiness is a good sign of high yield. She isn't scheduled
to go to flower until 2-5 so she should be somewhere around 20-24 inches by then. Now that I've heard so much good about
the breeder I'm going to have to take a long look at their inventory. Thanks!

Critical Sensi Star waiting for room in the flower tent, she is going to be huge


Delicious Hooked me up this week. These will join my Delicious family very soon, already popped a Cheese Candy to see how she goes.
